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Calspan Status Update AG&C Committee, March 1-3, 2006 Lake Tahoe, NV E. Ohmit.

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2 Calspan Status Update AG&C Committee, March 1-3, 2006 Lake Tahoe, NV E. Ohmit

3 Calspan Status Update Lear AAR Tanker testing in Buffalo & TTNT Flight testing Learjet AFTPS Project (with servo-throttle) Learjet Sense & Avoid Project TIFS Boeing Project TWT – Free to Roll Rig

4 Learjet Automated Aerial Refuleing (AAR) AAR Sponsored by AFRL Other Major Participating Organizations: –DARPA, NAVAIR, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Rockwell Collins, Titan Utilizing Learjet as “surrogate” UAV Objectives: Clear Learjet to operate up to and including Contact position with KC-135 No actual hook-up Evaluate acceptability of sensors PGPS & Optical, Datalink (TTNT) –Evaluate control laws for automated refueling Complete

5 Learjet AAR Initial Test Flights (complete) –Sep 2004 –With Niagara Falls ANG KC-135 –Cleared LJ to operate with KC-135 –Gathered data for PGPS & EO sensors –8 flights, 12.2 Flt-Hrs

6 Learjet AAR Second Flight Test (complete): –Datalink tests – Sep 2005 –Tactical Targeting Network Technology (TTNT) –DARPA funded – Rockwell Collins developed –At NAWCWD China Lake, CA –Gathered Datalink (TTNT) data Simulated Aerial Refueling Simulated Carrier Approach –Flew with NAVAIR E-2C (Surrogate Tanker) –5 other aircraft took part: F-15, F-18, B-707(Paul Revere), T-39, R-C Sabreliner –3 ground stations –7 Flights, 9.7 Flt-Hrs, Plus many days of integration and ground tests

7 Learjet AAR Third Flight Test: –Autonomous Station-Keeping – Aug 2006. –Re-install PGPS/INS/TTNT. –AAR control Laws in Boeing-supplied Flight Control Computer (FCC). –FCC interfaces with Learjet VSS through sensors & commands to elevator, aileron, rudder, throttle. –Safety Pilot will fly into various refueling positions then engage simulation; AAR Control Laws will Station-keep during typical Tanker maneuvering. –Fly at Niagara Falls with 107 th ANG KC-135 –~20 Flights, 35 Flt-Hrs Fourth Flight Test: –Trajectory Control – Aug 2007 –As above, but Autonomously move from: Observation  Pre-Contact  Contact  Breakaway positions.

8 Learjet AAR - Related Efforts Servo-Throttle Capability in Learjet –Servo-Throttle installed to achieve 4 th DOF. –Electrical servos attached to throttle cables at fuel control lever in each engine. –Installed & Checked out in September 2005. –Utilized in AF Test Pilot School Project with AFIT AAR Control Laws. Oct 2005, 7 Flights Installed simple Datalink & GPS Verified Servo-throttle operations Autonomously controlled LJ behind a C-12 (King Air) Trajectory and station-keeping with refueling maneuvers - Held position within 2 ft

9 Learjet – Future AFTPS Efforts Flight Controls Project –Performed during every class –Students design and fly simple FCS –Stabilizes an unstable configuration Test Management Projects being planned for 2007: –AAR-related EO System data gathering –Boundary/PIO evaluations

10 Learjet Sense & Avoid UAV Sense & Avoid in National Air Space. Autonomously Detect and Avoid intruder aircraft in terminal environment. Equivalent Level-of-Safety as piloted operations. Based on Global Hawk operations. Cooperative TCAS or Mode-C Detectable Coordinated Collision Avoidance Non-Cooperative Detect with Cameras

11 Learjet Sense & Avoid AFRL-Sponsored Northrop Grumman (NGC) – prime contractor Defense Research Associate (DRA) - Camera system, detector, tracker Calspan – Installations and Flight Test in Learjet –Simulate Global Hawk dynamics Cooperative Intruder Aircraft (TCAS-II or Mode-C Transponder) Non-Cooperative Aircraft (No transponders, Use Optical Cameras) –DRA supplies 3-Camera system - Detects & Tracks Intruder –NGC software determines trajectories and avoidance maneuvers Intrusion Scenarios: –Head-on, overtaking, cross-track Intruder Aircraft: –King Air & KC-135 Fly 4th Quarter 2006 at Niagara Falls

12 TIFS Boeing Proprietary Advanced Control System Flight Tests –June - Dec 2005 11 Flights, 18 Hrs –Future efforts planned in 2006

13 Learjet # 3 Development 3 rd Generation Variable Stability Learjet –Model 25D designed primarily for Upset Recovery Training (URT) User-friendly Variable Stability System (VSS).

14 Free To Roll (FTR) Support System FTR Inaugurated Oct 2005 –Abrupt Wing Stall Studies –Roll damping derivatives Multi-mode testing –Pitch sweeps –Yaw sweeps Quick to switch from FTR to S&C test mode

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