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Families, Society, and You

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Presentation on theme: "Families, Society, and You"— Presentation transcript:

1 Families, Society, and You
Why Study Families? Chapter One Section 1 Balancing Work and Family

2 Objectives Explain what you can gain by studying families
Identify the functions of the family Identify skills that contribute to successful family life Describe a helpful attitude to have when learning about families

3 Terms to Learn Functions Conflict resolution

4 Words for Thought “The family is one of nature’s masterpieces”
George Santayana Do you think something as common as a family can be considered a masterpiece? Why?

5 Why do you think we should study families?

6 Why study families? Many times families are taken for ranted
Families are an everyday part of life for most people By studying families you can learn why they are so important Families provided many functions Purposes

7 What are some functions of families?
Love and affection Protection Teaching Values Economic support Procreation Guidance Socialization Recreation

8 Learning About Yourself
What you learn about families in this class will give you a better understanding of yourself I want you to tell me what you know now about yourself Tell me who you are To do this I want you to create a collage that tells me who you are including information about your family

9 Building Your Skills Successful family living depends on these skills:
Communication Skills Problem-Solving and decision-making skills Management Skills Conflict Resolution Skills

10 Skills Activity Using your text book, in groups, read the assigned skill You will read the section with your group and find the important information from your section Each group member will write down the same information The groups will be broken up and assigned to new groups where they will “teach” about their skill to the group Once all students have taught their skill to the new group they will prepare a graphic organizer to present to the class

11 Communication Skills Learning to communicate well can be the key to family harmony

12 Problem-solving and Decision-making Skills
Families must decided how to Raise children How to spend their time How to relate to each other The ability to use these skills well makes life go more smoothly within the family

13 Management Skills Includes everything from managing family finances to household schedules Learning to manage well helps bring order to family life.

14 Conflict-Resolution Skills
Approach to settling disagreements React with your mind not your feelings Practicing good conflict-resolution skills helps family members et along better with each other

15 Solving Problems Families today face many challenges Examples:
Work schedules may have to be meshed with family time Cope with economic difficulties Death Drug problems Abuse Crime Divorce Remarriage Few families, if any, are problem free Even strong families have problems

16 Understanding Family Skills Activity
In groups complete the Understanding Family Skills Worksheet

17 How to cope with problems?
Remember, the problem can be solved That change is possible Figure out how to solve the problems Where to get help That a commitment to family comes first That every family member contributes to the family

18 Responsibility: A Quality that Counts
Page 31 of your textbook Read with your group Answer the questions together Make sure all group members have their name on the sheet that you turn in

19 Section 1 Review Quiz 1. List the functions of the family.
2. Complete this sentence in your own words: “Good communication is a basic skill needed by families because….” 3. Identify at least two important skills that family members need. 4. What are some challenges today that families may face?

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