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1 Novell NetWare Protocol Stack 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Media Access Protocols (Ethernet, Token Ring, WAN, others) Physical Data Link Network Session Transport Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Novell NetWare Protocol Stack 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Media Access Protocols (Ethernet, Token Ring, WAN, others) Physical Data Link Network Session Transport Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Novell NetWare Protocol Stack 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Media Access Protocols (Ethernet, Token Ring, WAN, others) Physical Data Link Network Session Transport Presentation Application Novell NetWare Protocols OSI Reference Model IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) SPX SA P RIP NLSP NETBIOSAPPLICATIONS NCP

2 2 Key Novell NetWare Features –Address is 80 bits (network.node) –Interface MAC address is part of logical address –Multiple LAN encapsulations per interface –Default routing protocol is IPX RIP –Novell services are advertised using SAP –NetWare clients find servers with GNS packets

3 3 Novell IPX Addressing E0 E1 S0 48 bits (from MAC) Network.Node 3f.0c56.de34 2c.0c56.de33 Network 4a1d Network 3f Network 2c Up to 32 bits Novell IPX Addressing

4 4 Cisco Encapsulation Types Novell IPX Name Cisco IOS Name Token-Ring Token-Ring_SNAP Ethernet Token Ring FDDI FDDI_SNAP FDDI_802.2 FDDI_Raw Ethernet_802.3 Ethernet_802.2 Ethernet_II Ethernet_SNAP Specify encapsulation when you configure IPX networks novell-ether sap arpa snap sap snap sap novell-fddi

5 5 Written Exercise: IPX Parameter Planning –Write the IPX addresses and encapsulation types for R3 Encapsulation Network Address R3 Interface Name S0hdlc S1hdlc E1 novell-ether S0 hdlc Network b001 E0 SAP E1 S1 S1 hdlc S0 Network c0b0 Network d100 Network b1b0 E0 novell-ether R3 R4 E1 b1b0 c0b0 d100 R2 R1

6 6 Novell Uses IPX RIP for Routing –Uses ticks (about 1/18 sec.) and hop count (maximum of 15 hops) –RIP broadcasts routing information to neighbor routers every 60 seconds, by default –SAP broadcasts NetWare services information to neighbor routers every 60 seconds, by default RIP SAP Tables RIP SAP Tables RIP SAP Tables RIP SAP Tables DCBA

7 7 Novell IPX Global Configuration ipx routing [ node ] Router(config)#  Enables Novell IPX routing Router(config)# ipx maximum-paths paths  Configures round-robin load sharing over multiple equal metric paths  Default = 1 Router(config)# ipx routing [ node ]  Enables Novell IPX routing

8 8 Novell IPX Configuration Example ipx routing ipx maximum-paths 2 interface ethernet 0.1 ipx network 9e encapsulation novell-ether interface ethernet 0.2 ipx network 6c encapsulation sap interface ethernet 1 ipx network 4a encapsulation sap interface serial 0 ipx network 1 Interface serial 1 ipx network 3 A Network 9e Network 1 E0 E1 S0 Network 4a Network 6c S1 9e.0800.4313.df56 Encapsulation = novell-ether 4a.1234.0000.abcd Encapsulation = sap 6c.0800.1213.13de Encapsulation = sap Network 3 B C

9 9 Verifying IPX Operation show ipx interface show ipx route show ipx servers show ipx traffic Monitoring Commands Troubleshooting Commands debug ipx routing activity debug ipx sap activity ping ipx

10 10 Monitoring the Status of an IPX Interface wg_ro_a#show ipx interface e0 Ethernet0 is up, line protocol is up IPX address is ABC.00e0.1e5d.ae2f, NOVELL-ETHER [up] Delay of this IPX network, in ticks is 1 throughput 0 link delay 0 IPXWAN processing not enabled on this interface. IPX SAP update interval is 60 seconds IPX type 20 propagation packet forwarding is disabled Incoming access list is not set Outgoing access list is not set IPX helper access list is not set SAP GNS processing enabled, delay 0 ms, output filter list is not set SAP Input filter list is not set SAP Output filter list is not set SAP Router filter list is not set Input filter list is not set Output filter list is not set Router filter list is not set Netbios Input host access list is not set Netbios Input bytes access list is not set Netbios Output host access list is not set Netbios Output bytes access list is not set Updates each 60 seconds aging multiples RIP: 3 SAP: 3 SAP interpacket delay is 55 ms, maximum size is 480 bytes

11 11 Monitoring IPX Routing Tables wg_ro_a#show ipx route Codes: C - Connected primary network, c - Connected secondary network S - Static, F - Floating static, L - Local (internal), W - IPXWAN R - RIP, E - EIGRP, N - NLSP, X - External, A - Aggregate s - seconds, u - uses, U - Per-user static 2 Total IPX routes. Up to 1 parallel paths and 16 hops allowed. No default route known. C ABC (NOVELL-ETHER), Et0 R DEF [02/01] via ABC.00e0.1e5d.c860, 40s, Et0

12 12 Monitoring IPX Servers wg_ro_a#show ipx server Codes: S - Static, P - Periodic, E - EIGRP, N - NLSP, H - Holddown, + = detail U - Per-user static 2 Total IPX Servers Table ordering is based on routing and server info Type Name Net Address Port Route Hops Itf p 4 fs1 11.0000.0000.0001:0451 4/03 4 Et0 p 4 fs2 21.0000.0000.0001:0451 4/03 4 Et0

13 13 Monitoring IPX Traffic wg_ro_a#show ipx traffic System Traffic for 0.0000.0000.0001 System-Name: wg_ro_a Rcvd: 15 total, 0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 bad hop count, 0 packets pitched, 15 local destination, 0 multicast Bcast: 13 received, 6 sent Sent: 6 generated, 0 forwarded 0 encapsulation failed, 0 no route SAP: 1 Total SAP requests, 0 Total SAP replies, 0 servers 1 SAP general requests, 0 ignored, 0 replies 0 SAP Get Nearest Server requests, 0 replies 0 SAP Nearest Name requests, 0 replies 0 SAP General Name requests, 0 replies 0 SAP advertisements received, 0 sent 0 SAP flash updates sent, 0 SAP format errors RIP: 1 RIP requests, 0 ignored, 0 RIP replies, 2 routes 13 RIP advertisements received, 0 sent 0 RIP flash updates sent, 0 RIP format errors Echo: Rcvd 0 requests, 0 replies Sent 0 requests, 0 replies 0 unknown: 0 no socket, 0 filtered, 0 no helper 0 SAPs throttled, freed NDB len 0 Watchdog: 0 packets received, 0 replies spoofed

14 14 Troubleshooting IPX Routing wg_ro_a#debug ipx routing activity IPX routing debugging is on IPXRIP: positing full update to 3010.ffff.ffff.ffff via Ethernet0 (broadcast) IPXRIP: positing full update to 3000.ffff.ffff.ffff via Ethernet1 (broadcast) IPXRIP: positing full update to 3020.ffff.ffff.ffff via Serial0 (broadcast) IPXRIP: positing full update to 3021.ffff.ffff.ffff via Serial1 (broadcast) IPXRIP: sending update to 3020.ffff.ffff.ffff via Serial0 IPXRIP: src=3020.0000.0c03.14d8, dst=3020.ffff.ffff.ffff, packet sent network 3021, hops 1, delay 6 network 3010, hops 1, delay 6 network 3000, hops 1, delay 6 IPXRIP: sending update to 3021.ffff.ffff.ffff via Serial1 IPXRIP: src=3021.0000.0c03.14d8, dst=3021.ffff.ffff.ffff, packet sent network 3020, hops 1, delay 6 network 3010, hops 1, delay 6 network 3000, hops 1, delay 6 IPXRIP: sending update to 3010.ffff.ffff.ffff via Ethernet0 IPXRIP: src=3010.aa00.0400.0284, dst=3010.ffff.ffff.ffff, packet sent network 3030, hops 2, delay 7 network 3020, hops 1, delay 1 network 3021, hops 1, delay 1 network 3000, hops 1, delay 1 IPXRIP: sending update to 3000.ffff.ffff.ffff via Ethernet1

15 15 Troubleshooting IPX SAP wg_ro_a#debug ipx sap activity IPX service debugging is on wg_ro_a# 05:31:18: IPXSAP: positing update to 1111.ffff.ffff.ffff via Ethernet0 (broadcast) (full) 05:31:18: IPXSAP: Update type 0x2 len 288 src:1111.00e0.1e5d.ae2f dest:1111.ffff.ffff.ffff(452) 05:31:18: type 0x7, ”ps21", 21.0000.0000.0001(451), 2 hops 05:31:18: type 0x4, "fs31", 31.0000.0000.0001(451), 2 hops 05:31:18: type 0x4, "fs41", 41.0000.0000.0001(451), 2 hops 05:31:18: type 0x7, "ps51", 51.0000.0000.0001(451), 2 hops wg_ro_a#

16 16 IPX Ping wg_ro_a# ping ipx 211.0000.0c01.f4cf Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte IPXcisco Echoes to 211.0000.0c01.f4cf, timeout is 2 seconds. !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (0/5)

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