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GIST 19: GGSPS status Status of GGSPS development and operations Andy Smith GGSPS software project manager.

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Presentation on theme: "GIST 19: GGSPS status Status of GGSPS development and operations Andy Smith GGSPS software project manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIST 19: GGSPS status Status of GGSPS development and operations Andy Smith GGSPS software project manager

2 Updates since GIST 18 Processing software Data Reception upgraded: detection of corrupt packets via checksum, better handling of mode changes Integrating Sphere data added to eng. products SEVIRI data added to eng. products Re-processing procedures were set up to allow reprocessing during instrument down-time on hold due to INGRES problems Data access: no significant changes to web pages Product User Guide in preparation GIST 19: GGSPS status

3 Problems (1): INGRES INGRES database problem, started 26 th Feb, as reported last time: causes GGSPS components to “hang” frequency at worst was ~once per day, only seen 4 times in last 3 months reduction in frequency may coincide with addition of extra logging in GGSPS software problem initially led to loss of raw data (software updates now prevent data loss) We still do not understand this problem, and have been unable to reproduce it on our test system. Latest change to INGRES configuration applied 24 th Jul No recurrence seen so far… GIST 19: GGSPS status

4 Problems (2) “Trickle” of missing packets remains: being investigated with Eumetsat Data Reception: “real data” problems (mode change effects, detecting corruption) fixed by recent upgrade Problems generating “pseudo SEVIRI header” files problems with availability of data from Eum during June improved during July, working well at present Hardware outages: RAL disk archive, 3 rd Jun, 8 hours’ data lost (1 st problem in 6 months’ running) RAL network problem: 31 st Jul/1 st Aug 17 hours’ data lost. Router replaced. GIST 19: GGSPS status

5 System performance Data availability: sample period 1 st May – 13 th Aug “Ideal” no of packets at 99.72/minute = 14,934,067 Satellite/GERB outages (~6.5 days): 938,365 Valid packets catalogued by GGSPS = 13,636,799 GGSPS Level 0 data availability = 97.5% L1.5 availability (no. EPs / no. L0s)> 99% of L0 or 96.7% Main sources of L0 data loss, impacts as % of expected data: Eumetsat/IMPF outages:0.1% Eum/RAL network link0.7% RAL local network outages0.78% GGSPS hardware outages0.38% Other (unknown) 0.03% GIST 19: GGSPS status

6 Future plans (1) Effort available in 2003/4 : development + systems support + operations = 2.6 staff years beyond Oct 2003, only 1 developer will continue work Current work plans: Up to Oct 2003 Product Processing: investigate geolocation “infrastructure”: continue fixing known Non-Conformances to improve robustness (highest priority only) changes to eng. products and plots to improve monitoring based on experience web page updates (may be delayed by effort availability) Beyond Oct 2003: Product Processing: product validation, geolocation, stray light(?), complete population of Eng products GIST 19: GGSPS status

7 Future plans (2) With current funding, no effort is available for development work in the following areas: Data Re-Ordering to fill in data gaps (breaks in transmission from Eum, GGSPS outages) Level 2 monthly averaging Data Re-Processing: bulk re-processing of the data set with improved algorithms, calibration etc. Uncertainty over Acceptance and System Test plans Later presentation goes into more detail… GIST 19: GGSPS status

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