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Mutual-reinforcement document summarization using embedded graph based sentence clustering for storytelling Zhengchen Zhang , Shuzhi Sam Ge , Hongsheng.

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Presentation on theme: "Mutual-reinforcement document summarization using embedded graph based sentence clustering for storytelling Zhengchen Zhang , Shuzhi Sam Ge , Hongsheng."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mutual-reinforcement document summarization using embedded graph based sentence clustering for storytelling Zhengchen Zhang , Shuzhi Sam Ge , Hongsheng He IPM2012 Hao-Chin Chang Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering National Taiwan Normal University 2011/03/09

2 Outline Introduction Sentence ranking using embedded graph based sentence clustering Document modeling Embedded graph based sentence clustering Mutual-reinforcement ranking algorithm Experiment Conclusion and Future work

3 Introduction There are three phrases in the framework
Document modeling document is modeled by a weighted graph with vertexes that represent sentences of the document Sentence clustering The sentences are clustered into different groups to find the latent topics in the story. To alleviate the influence of unrelated sentences in clustering, Sentence ranking An embedding process is employed to optimize the document model We propose a framework which considers the mutual effect between clusters, sentences and terms instead of the relationship between documents, sentences, and terms to employ the cluster level information

4 Introduction The sentences are then clustered into different groups according to the distance between two sentences In order to alleviate the influence of unrelated sentences in sentence clustering, we employ an embedding process to optimize the graph vertexes The contributions of this paper are summarized An embedded graph based sentence clustering method is proposed for sentence grouping of a document, which is robust with respect to different cluster numbers An iterative ranking method is presented which considers the mutual-reinforcement between terms, sentences and sentence clusters A document summarization framework considering sentence cluster information is proposed and the framework is evaluated using DUC data sets.

5 Sentence ranking using embedded graph based sentence clustering
To reduce the influence of the low cosine similarity weights and to enhance sentence clustering performance, an embedding algorithm is performed on the graph the sentences are ranked according to the mutual effects between sentences, termsand clusters based on the assumptions A sentence is assigned a high rank if it is similar to many high ranking clusters and it contains many high ranking terms The rank of a cluster is high if it contains many high ranking sentences and many high ranking terms The rank of a term is high if it appears in many high ranking sentences and clusters.

6 Document modeling The weight wij of an edge denotes the distance between sentences si and sj which is a cosine similarity between the vectors of two sentences

7 Embedded graph based sentence clustering
To alleviate the influence of unrelated sentences, we embed the original matrix D of a document into lower dimension space inspired by Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) A sentence di which is a column vector of D is expressed as a linear combination of its ni most similar sentences dj where i is the set of sentences most similar to di

8 Embedded graph based sentence clustering
In graph embedding , we minimize the following cost function of approximation error to determine the optimal weight matrix rij Wi =[ri1, …, rin] are the weights connecting di to its neighbors Partial derivatives with respect to each weight rij Wi is found by solving the equations

9 Embedded graph based sentence clustering
The vectors of embedded sentences with enhanced relationship di are obtained by minimizing the cost function While the embedding operation keeps the relationship between a sentence and a set of neighbors The performance of embedding operation will improve if there are more points in the graph

10 Mutual-reinforcement ranking algorithm
To employ the cluster-level information and the latent theme information in the clusters for document summarization D is the sentence–term matrix of the document where cluster cj is represented by a vector which is summary of the vectors of all the sentences in this cluster The weight of the edge connecting term tl and cluster cj

11 Mutual-reinforcement ranking algorithm
r(si) is the rank of sentencesi, r(cj) is the rank of cluster cj, and r(tl) is the rank of term tl The sentence with the highest score is selected as a part of the summarization

12 Experiment

13 Experiment KM and agglomerative (AGG) clustering
MREG algorithm which is named KM-TSC-EM mutual-reinforcement between sentences and clusters (KM-SC) TSC is short for Term, Sentence and Cluster EM is short for Embedded Graph based sentence clustering

14 Experiment a = 0.25 b = 0.25 and c = 0.50 a = 0.50, b = 0.50,c = 1.0
a = 0.750, b = 1.0,c = ROUGE-1 scores a = 0.750, b = 1.0,c = ROUGE-1 scores

15 Conclusion The sentences were clustered into different groups, and an embedding process was employed to reduce the effect of unrelated sentences and to enhance the sentence clustering performance. Performance comparison of different combinations of components illustrated that the algorithm improved system performance and was more robust with respect to different cluster numbers. Computer Speech & Language Camille Guinaudeau , Guillaume Gravier , Pascale Sébillo Enhancing lexical cohesion measure with confidence measures, semantic relations and language model interpolation for multimedia spoken content topic segmentation Confidence score

16 摘要示意圖 訓練文本語料 相關特徵 詞頻特徵 上下文特徵 一般化 收集 生成摘要 語料庫 KL(D||S) 初次檢索系統KL(S||D)
Sn 訓練文本語料 初次檢索系統KL(S||D) 相關特徵 詞頻特徵 上下文特徵 一般化 收集 語料庫 生成摘要 KL(D||S)

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