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Ohio Dept. of Education – Guidelines for Ohio’s Entry-Year Programs  1. Planning  Developed by school personnel  Quality Prof. Dev. *1(meetings)  Mentoring.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio Dept. of Education – Guidelines for Ohio’s Entry-Year Programs  1. Planning  Developed by school personnel  Quality Prof. Dev. *1(meetings)  Mentoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio Dept. of Education – Guidelines for Ohio’s Entry-Year Programs  1. Planning  Developed by school personnel  Quality Prof. Dev. *1(meetings)  Mentoring  List Roles and Responsibilities  Best match for mentors/new teachers  Forms for observations  Document program/completion  Participants – feedback*1

2 Ohio Dept. of Education – Guidelines for Ohio’s Entry-Year Programs 2. Entry-Year Orientation All stakeholders attend Orientation/expectations *2 Orientation before school begins List mission and responsibilities* Describe mentoring procedures/requirements for licenses

3 Ohio Dept. of Education – Guidelines for Ohio’s Entry-Year Programs 3. Identification of Mentors – Criteria process Job description Qualifications/roles/responsibilities *3*4 3-5 years teaching experience Relates well to colleagues Eagerness to learn We have application/interview process (supervisors/union team)#4

4 Ohio Dept. of Education – Guidelines for Ohio’s Entry-Year Programs 4. Every teacher assigned a mentor Appropriate match Understand roles and responsibilities Trained – (Must attend Pathwise I) One on one mentor/new teacher Teach same grade/subject/same bulding Process for differences Mentor pool to build capacity

5 Ohio Dept. of Education – Guidelines for Ohio’s Entry-Year Programs 5. Mentor Training Ongoing training Observation training – (Pathwise)*5 Praxis III assessment process Evaluate mentors ability to observe/instruct new teachers

6 Ohio Dept. of Education – Guidelines for Ohio’s Entry-Year Programs 6. Mentorship Activities Common and flexible time for mentor/new teacher observations/reflection/feedback Skills in observation/assessment/feedback/reflection Prepare for Praxis III Document program/activities Feedback to improve program Evaluate benefits of mentor program – mentor/new teacher

7 Ohio Dept. of Education – Guidelines for Ohio’s Entry-Year Programs 7. Mentor Coordination Written description of roles/responsibilities of lead mentor/coordinator Lead mentor/coordinator receives training and support for responsibilities Mentors meet on regular basis with lead mentor/program coordinator Lead mentors/ coordinator evaluate program Lead mentor/ coordinators encourages continuous improvement….suggestions/new ideas for program

8 Ohio Dept. of Education – Guidelines for Ohio’s Entry-Year Programs 8. Final Report Budget Report List of program participants Evaluation of program Goals for following year Copies of surveys from participants

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