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In-kind Sponsor Thank You to Markey’s Rental & Staging for their in-kind contribution to our General Session.

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3 In-kind Sponsor

4 Thank You to Markey’s Rental & Staging for their in-kind contribution to our General Session

5 Infant Mortality Fact Black infants are 2.7 times more likely to die than white infants in Indiana

6 In-kind Sponsor

7 Infant Mortality Fact Infant mortality is defined as the death of a baby before his or her first birthday

8 Infant Mortality Facts The infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of babies who die in the first year of life, per 1,000 live births

9 % LBW (< 2,500 G) % PRETERM (<37 WKS GESTATION) % NO EARLY PNC (1 ST TRIMESTER) % SMOKING % NOT BREASTFEEDING INDIANA 7.99.631.616.524.4 U.S. 8.0NC25.98.722.5 LBW = Low Birthweight PNC = Prenatal Care NC= No Comparable Measure Birth Outcome Indicators IN compared to U.S., 2012


11 Twitter #LaborofLove14

12 Infant Mortality Facts If Indiana had the same rate of infant deaths as the national average, 60 more babies would have survived in 2012

13 Lactation Room Sponsor

14 WIFI Network: LaborofLove Password: Summit2014

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