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Stationing Code of Practice for ministers involved in Stationing 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Stationing Code of Practice for ministers involved in Stationing 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stationing Code of Practice for ministers involved in Stationing 2015

2 The Context Methodism: a connexional Church  Committed to the best use of resources for the good of the whole church  Committed to best & consistent practice  Committed to trust & prayerful discernment  Free from all wrongful forms of discrimination Ministry: an itinerant system  Attention to the needs of the Circuits Ministers matched to appointments  Attention to needs & aspirations of ministers

3 Supreme Court ruling  Ministers are not employees  There is no contract with the circuit (or indeed with anyone else)  All Ministers are stationed annually by the Conference (consultation, CPD, but not consent!)

4 A two-part process 1. Consideration of current invitation [June – September]  Should the present invitation be extended ? Vocational Reflection & Circuit Consultations Discernment & Recommendation (up to 5 yrs) Circuit Meeting Decision New letter of understanding 2. Stationing [September onwards]  What ministry should I exercise next ? Writing & reading profiles The Matching Process

5 Part One: Consideration of current invitation: an overview 1. Initial preparations* 2. Briefing of those involved 3. Consultation with minister 4. Consultation with churches 5. Preparing a recommendation and CIC 6. The Circuit Meeting 7. Letter of understanding or seeking new appointment

6 1. Initial Preparations  Personal prayer & reflection [D6] Where am I being led in ministry ? What is my experience in this appointment so far ? What are the opportunities for development here ? How do my gifts match the future needs of the Circuit ? What other factors are important ?  Who else could help me discern the way ? Colleagues; mentor; spiritual director ? Stationing Advisory Committee?  Personal support What are my anxieties? Who might walk this journey with me?

7 2. Consultation with minister part 1. Chair & Lay Stationing Rep  Exploring the vocational journey  Reviewing the current factors Circuit Stewards (& Invitations Committee)  Initial reflections  Personal and vocational aspirations

8 2. Consultation with minister part 2. Feedback from Circuit stewards  Exploring feedback  Reflection on response to feedback  Who reflects on it with you if it is difficult? Meeting with Invitations Committee  Hearing feedback and response  Personal and vocational aspirations  Opportunity for conversation On-going conversation and support

9 3. Briefing Circuit stewards and church stewards Presbyters & Deacons Others involved in the process

10 4. The Consultation Process Purpose Questions to be asked * People to be consulted  Within the local churches  As ecumenical or community partners Time-frame Feed-back Discernment & recommendation Right to prepare alternative statement

11 Asking Appropriate Questions What are the gifts & skills you appreciate ? Are pastoral needs being addressed ? Are styles of worship helpful ? Has there been outreach to the community ? How might a change of ministry affect ecumenical or community partners ? What ongoing work would benefit from continuity ? Is there a need for a change of ministry to bring different gifts & skills

12 Asking appropriate questions for a diaconal appointment In what ways has the vision… developed ? Have the expectations of the Circuit and Deacon been met ? Has the work developed in new directions ? How does the appointment relate to Circuit priorities ? What kind of ministry does the Circuit wish to offer and to whom ? Is a different set of gifts/skills now needed?

13 5. Preparing a recommendation Circuit stewards receive reports & check range of those consulted Circuit Stewards produce report of consultation & share with minister Invitation Committee meets to receive written report, hear minister’s reflections and produce written recommendation, with reasons

14 5. Preparing a recommendation Invitations Comm ittee Recommendation shared with Minister, District Chair & Lay Stationing rep circulated to Circuit Meeting Right to prepare alternative statement NB E11 re unopposed extension

15 6. Circuit Meeting Ct Stewards present recommendation Minister can address meeting and/or respond to points raised in discussion If no opposition registered, recommendation taken as agreed; otherwise… Minister (and any family member)leaves before ballot vote taken  60% of those present & voting required for re- invitation;  75% if for 11th or more years Minister informed of result

16 7. After the circuit meeting Letter of understanding  Importance of using template  Subject to the Conference Seeking of new appointment  What kind of appointment?  What do I need to say to the church in terms of important considerations?

17 Part Two: Stationing The Minister’s Profile The Circuit Profiles The Matching Process for Presbyters The Matching Process for Deacons The Visit The Invitation & Letter of Understanding Before September 2015

18 The Minister’s Profile What is it for ?  To describe you: experience, gifts, aspirations  To inform the matching process How is it prepared ?  By you – checked by those who know you ?  In consultation with the Chair When is it needed ?  25 September (Chair & Warden) Other Options ?

19 The Circuit Profiles Profiles dispatched by 17 October Identify possible matches Consult Chair re 5 (3) best matches + NB no direct contact allowed

20 The Matching Process [H1-12/M1-2] Matching process:  3-6 Nov/1-2 Dec: SMG 1 & 2  5-6 January: Initial Stationing Sub-committee  13 January: SMG 3 Matching practice:  Ministers are matched to appointments  Each appointment is matched as it is called Stationing Matching Group  until 31 May 2015

21 The Visit [I1-13; N1-12] Within 10 days of the matching process  Normally Saturdays – 8 or 15/11; 6 or 13/12; Purpose:  mutual discernment – not interview! Practicalities:  Information pack  Programme – Presentation?  Conversation with Invitations Committee  Hospitality & family considerations ?

22 Invitation & Letter of Understanding The Circuit issues the invitation – or not  Delegated authority for Invitation Cttee ?  Special Circuit Meeting in place ? Feed-back to Circuit (& Chair) within 2 days Letter of Understanding  confirming any verbal agreements re (eg) Tasks, Manse, Resources etc.

23 Before September 2014 Agree how you will keep in touch  eg re Manse; Circuit changes; dates etc. Help current Churches & Circuit prepare for new ministry Plan well for ‘good endings’ Note Charter for Incoming Ministers  CPD p. 741  applies to your successor too!

24 Key Dates & Deadlines By 20 September - Circuit Meeting 25 September - all profiles to Chair/Warden By 17 October – Circuit profiles available 6 November/2 December – matches emerge 8/15 November – 1 st round visits 6/13 December – 2 nd round visits

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