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1 Hardware description languages: introduction intellectual property (IP) introduction to VHDL and Verilog entities and architectural bodies behavioral,

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1 1 Hardware description languages: introduction intellectual property (IP) introduction to VHDL and Verilog entities and architectural bodies behavioral, structural, and dataflow views examples

2 2 hardware description languages (HDL's): HDL is a language to describe hardware, just like it says; typically a HDL tries to use programming-language-type syntax and constructs to describe hardware, allowing the user to avoid the use of schematics

3 3 Some things HDL's must deal with: parallel activity (e.g., in a half adder, both the XOR and AND gates receive inputs simultaneously) vector inputs (e.g., in an 8-bit adder, the inputs are each 8 bits and the output is 9 bits) timing--both sequential and combinational logic (e.g., in a register the interaction between the clock input and the state changes must be described) levels of abstraction ideally will support both analysis and synthesis for hardware components/systems

4 4 intellectual property (IP): HDL's are an effective way to describe components in which the internal workings ("intellectual property") are proprietary but the interface to other components must be public "popular" HDL's: VHDL, Verilog Both have “AMS” (Analog and Mixed Signal) extensions

5 5 Two main HDLs: VHDL / Verilog VHDL--Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language Standards--IEEE 1076-1987;1076-1993; Ada-like language Additions--VHDL-AMS--Analog & Mixed Signal Verilog—1985; proprietary to Cadence until 1990 (“open Verilog”) C-like language Additions—Verilog-AMS—Analog & Mixed Signal NOTE: this course is NOT designed to make you a VHDL or Verilog expert! The Altera tools (as well as other synthesis tools) work best with simpler HDL constructs (e.g., structural representations, modest levels of nesting)

6 6 VHDL and Verilog: Behavioral, Structural, and “Dataflow" views supported Physical views generally not supported --descriptions do not encompass the low-level physical details of a design --in particular descriptions can be "technology independent"; this supports REUSABILITY --for simulation, may add details of a particular technology [this quarter—HDL designs are tied to the specific technology of the chosen Altera device] Both languages allow for “testbenches” to aid simulation We will use Verilog this quarter; Verilog is “c-like”;; Verilog is CASE SENSITIVE

7 7 what can HDLs be used for? design entry simulation ("analysis"): simulators are examples of "discrete event simulators" E10 E11 E20 E12 E22E13 synthesis: HDL description can be turned into a circuit layout by powerful "silicon compilers" time E10: a changes E20: b changes E11, E21 E12, E22 E13, E23

8 8 Example; what combinational circuit does this represent? module mystery (enable, x1, x2, x3, x4, y); //what is the mystery function? This is a 1-line comment input enable, x1, x2, x3, x4; output y; /* definitions of logic gates begin at this point –this is a multiple line comment */ wire w1, w2, w3; or (w1, x1, x2); or (w2, x3, x4); or (w3, x3, x4); // redundant nand (y, w1, w2, w3, enable); endmodule Source of this and following slides on verilog:

9 9 Example 2; what should we name this combinational circuit? How should we fill in the blanks in the comments? Can we rewrite it using the style of example 1? module Name (A, B, Sum Carry); input A, B; output Sum, Carry; assign Sum = A ^ B; //^ denotes ______ assign Carry = A & B; // & denotes ______ endmodule

10 10 3 types of description: --structural --behavioral --dataflow Example: structural description not n1(sel_n, sel); and a1(sel_b, b, sel_n); and a2(sel_a, a, sel); or o1(out, sel_b, sel_a); sel b a out sel_n sel_b sel_a n1 a1 a2 o1

11 11 Example; dataflow Specify output signals in terms of input signals assign out = (sel & a) | (~sel & b);

12 12 Example; behavioral describe the behavior algorithmically if (select == 0) begin out = b; end else if (select == 1) begin out = a; end

13 13 not n1(sel_n, sel); and a1(sel_b, b, sel_n); and a2(sel_a, a, sel); or o1(out, sel_b, sel_a); assign out = (sel & a) | (~sel & b); // multiple assignment statements // will all execute concurrently //order of the statements doesn’t //matter if (select == 0) begin out = b; end else if (select == 1) begin out = a; end //statements sequential; inter- and intra-statement delays exist In all 3 cases, the design tools will choose the actual PHYSICAL layout.

14 14 Behavioral (“algorithmic”) modeling: “programming” constructs Example: module mux_2x1(a, b, sel, out); input a, b, sel; output out; always @(a or b or sel) begin if (sel == 1) out = a; else out = b; end endmodule //if any of a, b, sel changes, output is recalculated Sensitivity List

15 15 Behavioral modeling: always statement : Sequential Block Sequential Block: All statements within the block are executed sequentially When is it executed? Occurrence of an event in the sensitivity list Event: Change in the logical value Statements with a Sequential Block: Procedural Assignments Delay in Procedural Assignments Inter-Statement Delay Intra-Statement Delay

16 16 Inter-Assignment Delay Example: Sum = A ^ B; #2 Carry = A & B; Delayed execution Intra-Assignment Delay Example: Sum = A ^ B; Carry = #2 A & B; Delayed assignment Notation: #2 means delay 2 time units (unit = ns)

17 17 Two Procedural Constructs initial Statement always Statement initial Statement : Executes only once always Statement : Executes in a loop Example: … initial begin Sum = 0; Carry = 0; end … always @(A or B) begin Sum = A ^ B; Carry = A & B; end …

18 18 Sequential logic: Can be edge-triggered (posedge or negedge) or level-triggered Example: Edge Triggered Event Control @ (posedge CLK) //Positive Edge of CLK Curr_State = Next_state; Level Triggered Event Control @ (A or B) //change in values of A or B Out = A & B;

19 19 Loops: while, for repeat Examples: repeat (Count) sum = sum + 5; while (Count < 10) begin sum = sum + 5; Count = Count +1; end for (Count = 0; Count < 10; Count = Count + 1) begin sum = sum + 5; end In while and repeat loops, if value of count is x or z, it is treated as 0

20 20 if Statement Format: if (condition) procedural_statement else if (condition) procedural_statement else procedural_statement Example: if (Clk) Q = 0; else Q = D;

21 21 Case Statements Example 1: case (X) 2’b00: Y = A + B; 2’b01: Y = A – B; 2’b10: Y = A / B; endcase Example 2: which statement is executed? case (3’b101 << 2) 3’b100: A = B + C; 4’b0100: A = B – C; 5’b10100: A = B / C; endcase

22 22 Example: mux design if.. else Statement module mux_4bits (y, a, b, c, d, sel); input [3:0] a, b, c, d; input [1:0] sel output [3:0] y; reg [3:0] y; always @ (a or b or c or d or sel) if (sel == 0) y = a; else if (sel == 1) y = b; else if (sel == 2) y = c; else if (sel == 3) y = d; else y = 4'bx; endmodule CASE Statement module mux_4bits (y, a, b, c, d, sel); input [3:0] a, b, c, d; input [1:0] sel output [3:0] y; reg [3:0] y; always @ (a or b or c or d or sel) case (sel) 0: y = a; 1: y = b; 2: y = c; 3: y = d; default: y = 4'bx; endcase endmodule sel[1:0] a[3:0] y[3:0] b[3:0] c[3:0] d[3:0]

23 23 Data types: Net Types: Physical Connection between structural elements Register Type: Represents an abstract storage element. Default Values Net Types : z Register Type : x Some Net Types: wire, supply0, supply1 Some Register Types : reg, integer, time, real, realtime

24 24 Some example bit vectors: Net Type: Wire wire [ msb : lsb ] wire1, wire2, … Example wire Reset; // A 1-bit wire wire [6:0] Clear; // A 7-bit wire Register Type: Reg reg [ msb : lsb ] reg1, reg2, … Example reg [ 3: 0 ] cla; // A 4-bit register reg cla; // A 1-bit register

25 25 Data Flow and Structural Modeling Can use only wire data type Cannot use reg data type Behavioral Modeling Can use only reg data type (within initial and always constructs) Cannot use wire data type

26 26 An array of registers reg [ msb : lsb ] memory1 [ upper : lower ]; Example reg [ 0 : 3 ] mem [ 0 : 63 ]; // An array of 64 4-bit registers reg mem [ 0 : 4 ]; // An array of 5 1-bit registers Example: define a 2 megabyte memory called MyMem (recall: what is the meaning of “megabyte”?)

27 27 Example: an altera state machine design: what does the state diagram look like? statem.v module statem(clk, in, reset, out); input clk, in, reset; output [3:0] out; reg [3:0] out; reg [1:0] state; parameter zero=0, one=1, two=2, three=3; always @(state) begin case (state) zero: out = 4'b0000; one: out = 4'b0001; two: out = 4'b0010; three: out = 4'b0100; default: out = 4'b0000; endcase end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) state = zero; else case (state) zero: state = one; one: if (in) state = zero; else state = two; two: state = three; three: state = zero; endcase end endmodule

28 28 Next lecture: more on sequential logic design strategies simulation

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