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European security Security definitions and the main dilemmas Dr. Arūnas Molis 22 April, 2014 Tallinn.

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Presentation on theme: "European security Security definitions and the main dilemmas Dr. Arūnas Molis 22 April, 2014 Tallinn."— Presentation transcript:

1 European security Security definitions and the main dilemmas Dr. Arūnas Molis 22 April, 2014 Tallinn

2 Content:  Changing understanding of security  Most relevant security concerns  Secure-insecure regions  Security according Europeans

3 When do you feel secure?

4 Approaches towards security  Traditional (rational, conventional): Security is a state of order which could be reached by eliminating threats using military and non-military instruments  Post-modern: Security is socially constructed and gets its meaning only in a certain social context

5 What kind of security?  Global or international security (global poverty, terrorism)  National security (weapons of mass destruction)  Security of each individual person (safety of food, water, etc.)

6 What is changing security understanding?  Military conflicts  The growth of new powers (states, NGO’s, interests groups, terrorists, etc.)  Climate change  Population or energy caused stress  Instable global economic system  Weakness of democratic institutions  Increased reliance on critical infrastructures  Global poverty

7 “Hard”, “soft” and “human” security  Hard security military and state-centered involves the use of force  Soft security Non-military and not necessarily state-centric Protection of the system and its users from harm, in gentle and unobtrusive ways Non-violance, convincement, social control  Human security security of individuals and the communities in which they live Elimination of life-threatening risks that emanate from poverty, natural disasters Extension of rule-governed as opposed to war-based security

8 What is at stake?

9 Munich security conference  Main topics on the 2011 agenda: Implications of the Financial Crisis on Global Stability and Security Non-proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament: What’s Next? Cyber Security What’s happening in the Arab World? Global and Regional Security Challenges Main topics on the 2014 agenda: Rebooting Trust? Freedom vs. Security in Cyberspace The Future of European Defence The Middle East Peace Process The Syrian Catastrophe A Transatlantic Renaissance? Global Power and Regional Stability: A Focus on CEE Energy and Climate Security What Season is next for the Middle East?

10 Global peace index 2013

11 Security in Europe – what really matters?

12 Europeans on security

13 Different perception of security by different countries in Europe  Members of NATO  Countries pursuing policy of non-alignment  Countries annexed by USSR  Members of Warsaw Treaty Organization

14 Perception of threats by country

15 What do our documents say?

16 “ Official ” threats to European security According to ESS (2003)  Terrorism (religious extremism, pressure of modernization, alienation of young people)  Proliferation of WMD (biological, chemical, radiological materials)  Regional conflicts (Kashmir, Great Lake region, Korean peninsula, Middle East)  State Failure (Somalia, Liberia, Afghanistan)  Organized crime (trafficking in drugs, women, illegal migrants, weapons) “New” threats  cyber attacks  energy supply disruptions  climate change  piracy

17 Questions?

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