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Promotion of Basic Services : Ethiopia Social Accountability Program2 The Experiences of AFSR on Media and Communication June/ 18 / 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion of Basic Services : Ethiopia Social Accountability Program2 The Experiences of AFSR on Media and Communication June/ 18 / 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion of Basic Services : Ethiopia Social Accountability Program2 The Experiences of AFSR on Media and Communication June/ 18 / 2015

2 1 Introduction Action for Self Reliance Organization and its partner organizations (OPRIFS & ASDA) are implementing ESAPII project entitled "Together for Change: Collaborate Community, Government & Civil Society to Enhance Social Accountability in Public Service Delivery ” within the following five woredas: SAIPSRegion Woreda SectorSA tools AFSRSNNPRSHawassaEducationCSC CSC&GRB (EX) AFSRSNNPRSMalgaHealth Water CRC CSC&GRB (EX) OPRIFSAmharaAdetHealthCRC CSC&GRB (EX) OPRIFSA. AArda sub-cityEducationCSC ASDAOromiyaZ/dugdaAgriculture Water CSC CSC & GRB (EX)

3 2 What AFSR has done so far on media & communication to disseminate SA messages to the wider communities? AFSR’s approaches to disseminate SA messages to the wider SA stakeholders: 1 Production and Distribution of News Informer: Through quarterly publication of news, achievements, upcoming invents, cases, interviews, we have disseminated the message of social accountability among a much wider target audiences. 2Regional TV: We have requested SNNPRs TV with formal letter to give media coverage on the interface meeting of Tabour primary school by clearly stating the objectives of ESAP2 project, approaches as well as the whole events and expected results of the interface meeting. Accordingly, SNNPRs TV assigned professionals to capture the event and they have broadcasted the event on the their TV on March 31/2014. Addis TV has also broadcasted the first launching workshops of woreda 7 in Arada sub-city, Addis Ababa.

4 Cont------ 3 Local Media: We have created strong linkage with Woreda communication offices (WCO) in all intervention woredas: Consequently, local medias show interest to report the result of SA based on the information obtained from WC: Amhara radio (AR) has made full programs on Adet SA project focusing on the concept, approaches and result of SA by interviewing our WC,SAC members, service users and device providers. The program has reported to the public, Asella FM has reported the news of ESAP2 results in Ziway dudga woreda as follows:  On 19/7/2014 the aims of ESAp2 and results of bushe deneba kebele interface meeting have reported to the listener of Asella FM  On 13/10/2014 the implementation status of JAP to improve the service provisions of the agricultural sectors have reported to the listener of Asella FM  On28/3/2015 the result of SA project on service provisions improvements of the agricultural sectors have reported to the listener of Asella FM

5 Cont------ 4. PV: Making participatory video (PV) in form of drama or normal PV focusing on behavioral changes and service improvements resulted from SA helped us to sensitized SA for more audiences in relaxed manner. We have promoted this videos on our personal FB and MA web site. We have also used these video as training materials to organize regional learning workshop as well as SAC and CBOs linkage workshop. 5. Through school Mini Media: we have disseminate the concept, approaches and result of SA to various stakeholders in Hawassa city, Arada sub city and Adet town. we have also disseminate the concept, approaches and result of SA to various stakeholders in Adet town through Yilma na Densa woreda communication mini media.

6 3. Key Lesson Learnt from the Processes of Our Communication Practices 1. Creating good linkage and network with woreda communication office and local media is crucial to initiate their interest to report the result of SA to listeners. 2. Publications of news informer is effective and efficient strategy to widely disseminate the message of social accountability among a much wider target audience. Distribution of the news informer to the target groups are also equally important. 3. Production of PV in the form of dram focusing the concept and result of SA is also important strategy to the widely disseminate the message of social accountability among a much wider.

7 The End Thank You!!

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