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F ACEBOOK : H ELP OR H INDRANCE Short Answer Practice.

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1 F ACEBOOK : H ELP OR H INDRANCE Short Answer Practice

2 ACE A – Answer the question C – Cite/use textual evidence to support your answer. (It further explains your answer. Your evidence/examples should not be the same as your answer.) E – Explain/what is the significance of your answer? How does your answer/evidence have a larger impact on the situation, etc.?

3 How does the lack of an “online presence” affect your employment opportunities in today’s world? A – Answer the ?Turn the ? into a statement and then answer it! C – Cite: Provide textual evidence that supports your answer. Without- suspicious, abnormal, even dangerous If younger than 50-disturbed by lack of FB account May or may not be savvy enough to know other things Without- applicant without FB profile is “wonderful” May be more serious individual-can affect how your “character” is viewed due to what you post or things you say Personal life best kept hidden or behind private security settings E – Explain *What impact may this have on you or others?? (Think BIGGER PICTURE) If trying to find a job in tech business, may want to have an online presence even if you don’t use it much Even younger people need to be careful about posting inappropriate pictures, comments, etc. Consequences in the future when trying to find a job

4 A – Answer the question Having an “online presence” in 2013 has the ability to affect your employment opportunities in one of two ways. Due to the prolific use of social networking sites, not having an online presence may be disturbing to some employers and a relief to others. C – Cite provide textual evidence that supports your answer. ______________ reports that people without FB accounts may be seen as “______________________________.” According to _____________, if a potential employee is under 50 without a FB account, “___________________.” However, _______________ thinks________________. Employees may be considered more _____________. Also, an online presence may affect _____________________. A person’s personal life is ______________________. E – Explain how does your answer impact or effect the story? *Have students give some impact examples…

5 C OMPLETED S HORT A NSWER Having an “online presence” in 2013 has the ability to affect your employment opportunities in one of two ways. Due to the prolific use of social networking sites, not having an online presence may be disturbing to some employers and a relief to others. The Daily Mail reported that people who do not use Facebook accounts may be seen as “suspicious…abnormal…, or even dangerous.” If prospective employees are seen this way, they are considered unhireable, according to some. According to David Eichle, if a potential employee is under 50 without a Facebook account, I may assume that“potential employees may not be savvy enough to know other things.” However, Paul Thompson believes that not having a Facebook profile is “wonderful.” Employees may be considered as“more serious individuals.” Also, an online presence may affect how employers view your character due to postings and comments. Many prospective employers believe your personality should be locked behind privacy settings. An online presence should be taken seriously as employers are checking you out, especially the older you get. as it may have serious consequences to your ability to find a job in the future.

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