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Title III and ESL Instructional Leads Training Stonewall Jackson Conference Center March 11, 2014 Roanoke, WV.

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Presentation on theme: "Title III and ESL Instructional Leads Training Stonewall Jackson Conference Center March 11, 2014 Roanoke, WV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title III and ESL Instructional Leads Training Stonewall Jackson Conference Center March 11, 2014 Roanoke, WV

2 Agenda Overview Developing a Foundation in the New ELP Standards Exploring the ELP Standards Correspondences and Practices Putting the Standards into Practice Updates and Implementation Plan Realizing the Potential - Past, Present, Future

3 District ELP Standards Implementation Plan Capacity to Implement Standards Resources Organize to Implement Implementation Action Timeline Progress Monitoring

4 Commonly Used Acronyms ESL = English as a second language ELL (or EL)ELL (or EL) = English language learner (English Learner) LEPLEP = Limited English Proficient ELPELP = English Language Proficiency

5 CountyLEP countCountyLEP countCountyLEP countCountyLEP count Barbour0Hancock5Mineral6Roane0 Berkeley376Hardy60Mingo0Summers0 Boone1Harrison91Monongalia312Taylor1 Braxton0Jackson1Monroe0Tucker0 Brooke1Jefferson287Morgan16Tyler0 Cabell144Kanawha192Nicholas10Upshur4 Calhoun2Lewis10Ohio12Wayne27 Clay1Lincoln1Pendleton4Webster0 Doddridge8Logan7Pocahontas0Wetzel8 Fayette9Marion16Preston0Wirt0 Gilmer0Marshall8Putnam40Wood63 Grant1Mason19Raleigh45Wyoming0 Greenbrier38McDowell0Randolph6 Total1879 Hampshire5Mercer27Ritchie0 WV 2013-2014 ELL Population

6 WV ELL Population #1 ELL Population – Berkeley County 20% #2 ELL Population – Monongalia County 16% #3 ELL Population – Jefferson 15% #4 ELL Population – Kanawha 10%

7 Comparison with WEST VIRGINIA Nationwide Top Five – Spanish: 79% – Vietnamese:2% – Chinese: 2% – Hmong:2% – Arabic: 1% West Virginia Top Five – Spanish: 42% – Arabic:8% – Chinese (Mandarin): 7% – Vietnamese: 4% – Chinese (Cantonese): 2%

8 2012-2013 LEP Student Population by LEA Useful Questions to Consider around ELLs: 1.How many ELLs are born in the U.S/ How many are immigrants? Nationally: ~2/3 born in U.S. 2.What percentage are Spanish-speakers? Nationally: ~70-80% 3.Consistent with national trends, are more LEP students found in the elementary grades rather than middle and high school? 4.What percentage of LEP students are late-entry (arriving after elementary school)? Nationally : Most at K-3 8

9 Updates: WESTELL TESTING o 3/17-4/25 – 6 weeks o Overage Materials o ALL LEP students must take WESTELL test USDE Title III Monitoring o 3/24 – 3/27 o Berkeley County, Jefferson County, Monongalia County, RESA 4 & 6, WVDE WV TESOL o 4/5 in WVU, Morgantown WVEIS o Data Entry

10 Home Language Survey Responses

11 How many questions comprise your county Home Language Survey (HLS)?

12 Top 5 Home Language Survey Questions What Language(s) does your child speak at home? What was the first language your child learned to speak? Does the student speak a language other than English? How many years has this student attended an English- speaking School? Please describe the language understood by the student (check one).a. Understands only the home language and NO English. b. Understands most of the home language and some English. c. Understands the home language and English equally. D. Understands mostly English and some of the home language.

13 Do you conduct any additional or clarifying follow-up to the HLS questions in order to identify students for screening?

14 Of the HLS questions provided above, which question most often triggers a language screening? Does the student speak a language other than English? Is the primary or native language of the student English? Yes or no What language did your child learn when he/she first began to speak? What language does your son/daughter use most frequently at home?

15 Which question has the least impact on the decision to administer a language screening? What languages? How many years has the student attended an English- Speaking school? Has the student ever lived where another language was spoken? What is the student’s country of origin? If available, in what language would you prefer to receive information from the school? Does either parent or guardian speak a language other than English in the home? If yes, what is that language?

16 Range of Accuracy in HLS in initially identifying students for Services Lowest: 15% Highest: 100% State Average: 65%

17 Range of “False Positive” reported Lowest: 0% Highest: 67%


19 Tier 1 Questions Which language(s) does your child currently... a. understand? [receptive language] b. speak? [productive language]

20 Tier 1 Questions Which language does your child most often use... a. at home... i. with you? ii. with siblings? iii. with extended family members? b. in school/educational settings (i.e., preschool; child-care)? c. outside of school (with friends, for recreational activities)?

21 Which language does your child most often hear... a. at home... i. with you? ii. with siblings? iii. with extended family members? b. in school/educational settings (i.e., preschool; child-care)? c. outside of school (with friends, for recreational activities)?

22 District ELP Standards Implementation Plan

23 Questions? Robert Crawford Mami Itamochi

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