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 “He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security” - Benjamin Franklin  What is the meaning of this quotes?

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Presentation on theme: " “He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security” - Benjamin Franklin  What is the meaning of this quotes?"— Presentation transcript:


2  “He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security” - Benjamin Franklin  What is the meaning of this quotes? Provide a real world example.  Do you agree with the quote? Explain why or why not?

3 1. What was the selective Service Act? 2. Describe the battle at Passchendaele. 3. How did the Russian Revolution affect the war? 4. How did Pershing and the Allies clash over strategy? 5. What was significant about the 369 th Regiment? 6. What are three ways new technology characterized the war? 7. Why was trench warfare typical of the WWI battlefield? 8. What was the war like in the air and at sea? 9. How did the war come to a close?

4  Late September 1918 the Allies launch Meuse- Argonne Offensive  Nov. 11, 1918 Germany agreed to an armistice (truce)  Cost and Casualties:  8 million soldiers died (U.S. 116,000 killed)  21 million were injured  WWI caused horrific damage to Europe

5  In preparation for tomorrow’s debate regarding free speech during war time, do the following:  1. Review your notes for Ch. 24.2 & 24.3  2. Complete the following T-Chart for section 24.5 Promoting Liberty (Freedom) in American Society Promoting Security for Americans

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