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“ Ukie ” Dang Period : #8 Ch11 Obj Lesson#1 : Explain the European causes for WWI. Identify the Central Powers. Explain how the fighting started and fighting.

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Presentation on theme: "“ Ukie ” Dang Period : #8 Ch11 Obj Lesson#1 : Explain the European causes for WWI. Identify the Central Powers. Explain how the fighting started and fighting."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ Ukie ” Dang Period : #8 Ch11 Obj Lesson#1 : Explain the European causes for WWI. Identify the Central Powers. Explain how the fighting started and fighting strategy It Matters Because: If we understand what caused WWI we can make changes To prevent another world ward

2 Alliances The Central Powers ( or Triple Alliance ) is Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Ottoman Empire. The Allies ( or Triple Entente ) is Britain, Russia and France and eventually US

3 Long term causes of WWI MAIN or NIMA Militarism : – competition in raising, build up army – Develop naval forces Alliance : Formal agreement or union between nations

4 Long term causes of WWI Imperialism : – one country seeking to control another country about economy, political affairs – Get necessary supplies, materials to spend on military. Nationalism : – Nation’s pride – devotion to the interest and culture of one’s nation – led to competition and rivalries among nations

5 Short term causes of WWI Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife assassinated when visited Sarajevo ( in Bosnia ) Killed by Gavrilo Princip – member of Black Hand Black Hand – organization promoting Serbian nationalism

6 Short term causes of WWI ( cont ……) Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia Germany declared war on Russia’s ally ( France) Belgium invaded by Germany Britain join the battle The Global War began.

7 Causes of WWI

8 Events lead to WWI VS

9 Fighting started Germany invaded Belgium Used Schlieffen Plan – Attack in 2 way : East and West ( France and Russia ) quickly The trench warfare started – Dig in for long edge ( both side ) – Soldiers spend most of time in trenches – Use trenches as officers’ quarters and command posts – 3 kind of trenches : front line, support and reserve – Between the trenches are no man’s land – covered by shell craters and barbed wire

10 Trench Warfare ( Cont….) Rat, lice caused disease to soldiers Trench fever : a painful disease began suddenly with severe pain followed by high fever – Symptoms : headache, pain on moving the eyeballs, soreness of the muscles of the legs and back. Soldiers get fungal infection on their foot caused by cold wet and unsanitary trench conditions Can lead to amputation

11 Result The battle begin from July until mid- November The British suffered 60,000 casualties Total 1.2 million casualties ( Allies and Central Powers )

12 Summary There are 4 main reason lead to the war : NIMA ( or MAIN ). The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand like a signal to start the war. There are 2 sides : Central Power ( Triple Alliance ) and Allies ( Triple Ententé ) Germany trying to defeat Russia and France quickly by using Schlieffen Plan The trenches warfare can’t fight for a long term. ( Not always have enough supplies, soldiers can get diseases anytime )

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