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Parent Information Meeting Presented by Lea Ann Bowman International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Information Meeting Presented by Lea Ann Bowman International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Information Meeting Presented by Lea Ann Bowman International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Coordinator

2 Purpose students engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry. students become more independent with their own learning. students can look at an area of learning of which they have personal interest. it gives students the opportunity to take action about a real-life issue. it unites the whole school community and the wider community through collaborative learning. students continue to reflect on their own learning a celebration of the transition of the learner from primary to middle school

3 Non negotiable features The Exhibition should include:  examples of written work  oral presentations  examples of technology  performances in any medium – dance, drama, film, video, mixed media.






9 How much time do students spend working on the Exhibition? The students will start collecting examples of local and global issues in October 2011. The students will be placed in groups by January 2012 The students will begin working on their inquiries at school throughout the remainder of the year. A portion of each day will be used working on Exhibition inquiries. During Prime Time, students will meet with their mentors. The final Exhibition date will be May 15 th. The public will be invited to attend!

10 How are we assessing? Rubrics will be used to assess the inquiry process. Each rubric will assess a different aspect of the Exhibition: The individual journal The process of collating data, researching and analysing research The attitudes, attributes of the learner profile and self management skills (e.g. time management) A self-reflection which is completed by each student The final product

11 What about Exhibition homework? The children should use their time at home to research and prepare for the work in class. Students will, on occasion, need to complete their personal interviews outside of school and with the assistance of a parent. The majority of the work will be done in class so the Mentor can keep track of progress and to ensure that the students are self-learning.

12 Group of students Parents Mentor Teacher Roles in the Exhibition

13 The Role of the Parent Have an understanding of the Exhibition requirements. Keep informed about the process by reading newsletters and attending meetings. Support and encourage your children throughout the process. Provide knowledge or areas of expertise to any of the groups. Help to locate resources – people, places, media and information Encourage in-depth inquiry and respect of student ownership of the process. Celebrate with the students by attending the final presentations on May 15 th !

14 An inquiry into: Rights & responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people & with other living things Communities & the relationships within & between them Access to equal opportunities Peace & conflict resolution

15 Questions? Please feel free to ask any questions at any time. Contact any 5 th Grade Teacher or Mrs. Bowman via email or phone.

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