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Team Seven: Fanny Wu Sam deVries Bharadwaj Mathukumilli Chris Cioffi Sponsored by GE.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Seven: Fanny Wu Sam deVries Bharadwaj Mathukumilli Chris Cioffi Sponsored by GE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Seven: Fanny Wu Sam deVries Bharadwaj Mathukumilli Chris Cioffi Sponsored by GE

2 Problem Statement  Third world nations often lack a reliable grid where the majority of the population is living under the poverty line.  Hence, we need to find a design that will create a self-sustaining operating system for a cell phone tower to be placed in a location with unreliable access to the mobile network.

3 Our Mission:  Our mission is to design a sustainable energy system for a region without access to the grid which will provide reliable power to a cell phone tower that operates with minimal costs and maximum profit.

4 Southeast Kenya  Economy: Finance Investment Tourism Agriculture flat landscape  Politics: Very politically stable compared to other African nations  Mombasa’s Landscape Flat Very little rain Rarely Windy Sunlight  Customers Potential network of 326,080 mobile subscribers  Phone Service Providers: Zain and Safaricom

5 Wind Power  Propeller generates power from wind  Effective over time, but not consistent from day to day due to fluctuating wind speeds in Kenya.

6 Hydroelectric Power  Propeller is placed underwater in a river to generate electricity reliably and consistently.  Disadvantage: not many rivers in Tanzania, so not very practical.

7 Diesel Power  A reliable source of energy, but uses fuel to run it which is not a renewable resource.

8 Solar Power  Solar panels generate enough power to run the station and store extra energy into a battery for use at night or on overcast days.

9 Design Matrix Selection Criteria Concepts Wind PowerSolar PowerDiesel fuelHydropower Reliability Sustainability Cost effectiveness Durability Dependability 0000000000 +0+0++0+0+ +-+0++-+0+ -000+-000+ Sum +’s Sum 0’s Sum –‘s 000000 320320 311311 131131 Net Score Rank Continue? 0 3 No 3 1 Yes 2 Yes 0 3 No

10 Selection Matrix Selection Criteria Weight Concepts Solar PowerDiesel Fuel RatingWeighted ScoreRating Weighted Score Reliability Sustainability Cost effectiveness Durability Dependability 20% 25% 20% 15% 20% 35 43335 433 0.60 1.25 0.80 0.45 0.60 33 32333 323 0.75 0.60 0.30 0.60 Total Score Rank Continue? 3.70 1 Yes 2.85 2 Yes (but as a back-up source)

11 Our Selection:  Power the tower primarily with solar energy.  Store extra solar power in battery.  Use a diesel generator as a back-up.

12 Our Design:

13 Hut Design

14 Cost Analysis

15 Cash Flow Diagram

16 System Features  Main Hut: Cinder block walls Wooden framed roof Six 5’ by 4’ solar panels on roof GE’s Durathon battery Base Transmitter system Air conditioning Lighting system  Cell Phone Tower: Guyed tower

17  Team Seven would like to thank GE for sponsoring this cell phone tower design project.

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