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Happy is very hungry. Pick the right lunch box to keep Happy healthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy is very hungry. Pick the right lunch box to keep Happy healthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy is very hungry. Pick the right lunch box to keep Happy healthy.
Natural Resources Happy Game The Happy Game Copyright © 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved Happy is very hungry. Pick the right lunch box to keep Happy healthy.

2 True or False: Everything we use starts with a natural resource.

3 Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Next Question Bad Answer 1

4 Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Next Question Good Answer 1

5 Which of the following is a natural resource:
*peanut butter* *water*

6 Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Next Question Bad Answer 2

7 Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Next Question Good Answer 2

8 Natural resources that can be remade in a few years or decades are called:
*Non reusable resources* *Renewable resources*

9 Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Next Question Bad Answer 3

10 Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Next Question Good Answer 3

11 Which is an example of a renewable resource?
*A Tree* *Dirt*

12 Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Next Question Bad Answer 4

13 Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Next Question Good Answer 4

14 True or False: Non-renewable resources take hundreds, thousand and even millions of years to be made. *False* *True*

15 Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Next Question Bad Answer 5

16 Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Next Question Good Answer 5

17 Which are non-renewable resources?
*Oil, minerals and soil* *Trees, plants and grass*

18 Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Next Question Bad Answer 6

19 Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Next Question Good Answer 6

20 True or False: It is not safe to reuse products that can be recycled.

21 Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Next Question Bad Answer 7

22 Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Next Question Good Answer 7

23 All glass products should be :
*thrown away* *recycled*

24 Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Next Question Bad Answer 8

25 Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Next Question Good Answer 8

26 Resources that are thrown away and not recycled may become:
*scarce* *plentiful*

27 Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Next Question Bad Answer 9

28 Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Next Question Good Answer 9

29 True or False : There is nothing we can do to protect our natural resources.

30 Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. End Game Bad Answer 10

31 Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. End Game Good Answer 10

32 The End THE END Natural Resources © Copyright 2002 Glenna R. Shaw
All Rights Reserved How to Edit: Type questions and right and wrong answers directly on the slides. Be sure to enter answers between the brackets to preserve the links to the correct slides. How to Play: This is an easy to run scoreless game. Run the slideshow and follow the directions on the screen. The “reward” for correct answers is the animations on the screen and keeping happy from getting sick. Instructors can optionally give “healthy treats” for correct answers during the game.

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