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Picture from spacestationinfo. com  Mercury was discovered by the Ancients.  The mass of Mercury is 5% of Earth.  Mercury was the Roman version of.

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2 Picture from spacestationinfo. com

3  Mercury was discovered by the Ancients.  The mass of Mercury is 5% of Earth.  Mercury was the Roman version of the Greek god Hermes in astronomy mythology.

4  On Earth, you way a lot more than you would on Mercury because Mercury is a lot smaller than Earth and has less gravity than Earth!  If you weigh only 70 lbs. on Earth, you way only 27 lbs. on Mercury! I wish I lived on Mercury, I would not weigh a lot!

5  Mercury shines very brightly in early morning just before the sun rises, so sometimes Mercury is called a “morning star.”  It is also called an “evening star” because of the same reason. Picture from:

6  Sometimes, Mercury is often visible for a short period of time right after the sun sets.  Mercury’s core covers up about 75% of the planet. Picture from

7 Mercury was the messenger of other gods, and Mercury was usually shown in pictures with winged sandals.  Mercury also delivered messages and was protector of merchants and travelers. Picture from:

8  Next to Earth, Mercury is the 2 nd most dense planet in our solar system.  As Mercury’s iron core cools, it shrinks causing its rocky crust to become wrinkled. Picture from

9  Scientists started calling Mercury’s wrinkles Lobate Scarps.  It takes Mercury 59 days to rotate, but only 88 days to circle around the sun.  On Mercury, there are 2 fewer days in a year. Picture from:

10    Google        YAY! Picture from:

11 That was Josie Channell’s solar system project on…. Mercury! What was something new you learned about Mercury??? Picture from

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