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Report on B4 Linking GEOSS and S&T in all SBA‘s. General topics (1) GEO portfolio (H.P.Plag) –for better understanding of GEOSS work on compelling examples.

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Presentation on theme: "Report on B4 Linking GEOSS and S&T in all SBA‘s. General topics (1) GEO portfolio (H.P.Plag) –for better understanding of GEOSS work on compelling examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report on B4 Linking GEOSS and S&T in all SBA‘s

2 General topics (1) GEO portfolio (H.P.Plag) –for better understanding of GEOSS work on compelling examples –template developed, evaluation of proposals –further work on communication material –>> Could such a template be developed also for other GEOSS areas, with common questions in order to harmonise responses/information

3 General topics (2) GEO and Science (J-L- Fellous) –comprehensive picture of GEO’s work by discipline –pointing at expectations for the system of systems –“give and take “ principle –serves as hand out for dissemination

4 General topics (3) Funder’s perspective (DFG, S.Winkler-Nees) –data availability, accessibility, quality aspects, archiving, back up, re-use –who owns the data? –Growing need /willingness to share data –legal aspects ruled by national legislation –European rulings in future? –>>How about GEO DSP?

5 Projects (1) Lifewatch (W.Los) –links to ESFRI, deals with highly complex matters of biodiversity, learning about processes behind data –32 networks connected, distributed ownership –government sustained infrstructure –high potential of innovations

6 Projects (2) GMOS (Global Mercury Obs System, S. Cinnirella) –Mercury is a dangerous pollutant –establishing permanent operational global network –European project with international partners –change in GEO work plan (no longer in Heath) –Good progress, using also already existing stations

7 Projects (3) MEDINA (Marine Eco Modelling, R. Pastres) –finalising planning, modelling coastal areas –promoting GEOSS amongst partners –will provide data for GEOSS –also using data/info from GEOSS,

8 CoP reports (1) Air Quality CoP (M-Schultz) –dealing with numerous air pollutants/gases –a variety of national, global regulations/programs is driving the actions –MACC is working, use is growing –comprehensive report on data deficiencies –GEOSS should care more for real date problems

9 CoP report (2) Agriculture (Presentation via internet) –Pressing need for EO data in view of food crisis –Preparednes and forecasting (modelling) needed –S&T linkages are good, transition from research to operation problematic –more satellite data/sensors/instruments needed –Work on land use change, climate scenarios

10 Conclusion There are numerous interesting projects working (or plan to work) on highly important EO themes All of them rely on research/technology All of them see links to GEOSS, either already or in future EGIDA workshop has helped in networking Data in all aspects are still an issue for GEO

11 Thanks to the presenters!!

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