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Presentation on theme: "THE GAME-DESIGN FRIENDLY CLASSROOM By Kathleen Mercury."— Presentation transcript:


2 GAMING ETIQUETTE  In all games, there are proper ways to behave and to show sportsmanship.  Behavioral expectations are different at home and at school.  Playing board games as part of this class is different than at home; you are to be evaluating the game from a game designer’s perspective as you play.  Therefore, there are some expectations I have for you in this class.  Hooray.

3 BEFORE YOU PLAY  Stay quiet when someone else is teaching you how to play the game.  Pay attention. Don’t expect to have them reteach you later.  Explain the “big picture” first, then fill in the details.  Save questions until the teacher asks if players have questions.  Likewise, when teaching a game, stop periodically to see if people have questions.

4 AS YOU PLAY  When it is your turn, play swiftly but take time to think if you need it.  When it is not your turn, do not engage in idle chatter.  Think about your next turn and what you plan to do.  Don’t talk to the player whose turn it is. They get to make whatever decisions they want to make, even if you don’t like their choices.  It’s okay to stop a player from making a big mistake that will mean they will lose the game.  Keep all noise to a library-like environment. Low talking at most.  If you forget something, normally you don’t redo a turn. Remember it for next time.  Sometimes giving players one “mulligan” (one redo) is done.

5 AS YOU PLAY  Be gentle with the game, board, and pieces. These suckers are expensive.  Do not gang up a player, individually pick on one player, or engage in “kingmaking” by unfairly helping one player win.  When you are done with your turn, say “Done.” Sometimes players don’t always know when you’re done if a turn is complicated.  Settle disagreements with a vote or ask me.  Remember, always play nice, win nice, and lose nice. You can be happy or upset about an outcome, but don’t be a jerk either way.

6 AFTER YOU PLAY  Congratulate all other players. You can’t win them all. I know you want to.  Help clean up, and make sure that all pieces are put away as they were when you started.  Fill out your game evaluations thoughtfully (if required).

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