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#1 Difference The Attitude of the Teacher. Three Major Attitudes Positive Negative Indifferent I believe there is the fourth attitude – THE GROWTH MINDSET.

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Presentation on theme: "#1 Difference The Attitude of the Teacher. Three Major Attitudes Positive Negative Indifferent I believe there is the fourth attitude – THE GROWTH MINDSET."— Presentation transcript:

1 #1 Difference The Attitude of the Teacher

2 Three Major Attitudes Positive Negative Indifferent I believe there is the fourth attitude – THE GROWTH MINDSET

3 Do you have a growth mindset? Stanford University’s Dr. Dweck

4 How do you show your mindset? Look with loving eyes – Oprah Hedbanz

5 Miley Cyrus

6 Dr. Phil

7 Kathy Lee Gifford

8 Duck Dynasty: Phil Robertson


10 Sarah Palin

11 Justin Bieber

12 Rachel Ray

13 Angelina Jolie

14 How We Praise oRY

15 Show your mindset!

16 How We Critique No speaking during critique 2 things they did well, two things they could do better

17 Requirements Must Speak for One Minute Stick to the Topic Hand Gestures Eye Contact Personalized

18 If you could have dinner with one person (Dead or Alive) who would it be and why?

19 If you could be invisible for one day – where would you go and what would you do?

20 How We Critique Ask for area of help – Post it tag Personal reflection on standard by reviewing the learning goal

21 If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

22 If you had a million dollars and had to spend it in one day, what would you do and why?

23 Requirements Must Speak for One Minute Stick to the Topic Hand Gestures Eye Contact Personalized

24 Every Child Deserves a Champion id_needs_a_champion

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