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INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE Climate Change Regulation: Implementation & Compliance Challenges Climate Change Law and Governance in South.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE Climate Change Regulation: Implementation & Compliance Challenges Climate Change Law and Governance in South."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE Climate Change Regulation: Implementation & Compliance Challenges Climate Change Law and Governance in South Asia BRICs Law and Policy Dialogue on Climate Change, Sustainable Energy & Biodiversity India International Center Annex, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi 20 August 2010 Aban Marker Kabraji, Regional Director, Asia

2 2 The challenges…

3 3 Political and bureaucratic will

4 4 Policy mis-match

5 5 Regulatoryweakness

6 6 Ambiguity in roles and responsibilities

7 7 Institutionalweakness

8 8 Lack of advocacy

9 9 Meeting the challenges…

10 10 Apply a systems approach

11 11 Create meaningful incentives for compliance

12 12 Devolveenforcement

13 13 Training in monitoring

14 14 Maintain continuous dialogue

15 15 Maintain continuous improvement of social indicators


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