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Leadership & Vision: The Administrator’s Role Susan Brooks-Young

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1 Leadership & Vision: The Administrator’s Role Susan Brooks-Young

2 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Our World has Changed…  Work is different...  Tools are different...  Communication is different...  Information is different...  Kids are different...  Learning is different … And Leading Is Different!

3 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Technology Impacts our Students’ Lives Daily Businesses that do not use available technologies may stay open, but lose their competitive edge. Students in schools that lack either technology, or teachers who are trained to use technology effectively, face a similar disadvantage.

4 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Research shows “Technology can have the greatest impact when integrated into the curriculum to achieve clear, measurable educational objectives." CEO Forum 2001

5 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Research shows “A study of a comprehensive effort to integrate technology into schools shows a increase in test scores related to the use of technology.” West VA study, Mann et al., 1999

6 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Research shows “Students whose teachers were high level users of technology in the classroom scored significantly better than did students whose teachers were low level users of technology in the classroom.” Middleton and Murray, 1999

7 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Research shows “…leadership is probably the single most important factor affecting the successful integration of technology into schools. This is true at all levels- state, district, and schools.” Lessons Learned SEIR*TEC (2002)

8 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Technology leadership is not just one more thing for administrators to juggle…

9 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting The NETS*A Standards Leadership and Vision Learning and Teaching Productivity and Professional Practice

10 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting The NETS*A Standards Support, Management, and Operations Assessment and Evaluation Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues

11 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting NETS*A Leadership & Vision Performance Indicators Technology integration through: Shared vision Systemic planning Culture of responsible risk-taking Data-based decision-making Research based practice Advocacy

12 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Leadership Responsibilities: As Identified in the Journal of Staff Development Lead through shared vision and collective commitments rather than rules and authority. Create collaborative structures that focus on teaching and learning.

13 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Leadership Responsibilities: As Identified in the Journal of Staff Development Pose the questions that help the school focus on issues of teaching and learning. Provide staff with the training, information, and parameters they need to make good decisions.

14 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Why Have a Vision? "If you do not know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere." - Henry Kissinger

15 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Why Share a Vision? “Without this vision and translation of the vision into action, lasting school improvement is almost impossible.” Lessons Learned SEIR*TEC (2002)

16 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Defining your Vision Start with your vision for the school/district, not a vision for technology. What is your vision for your school/district?

17 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Technology Integration What is your definition of technology integration?

18 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting How Does your Definition of Technology Integration Support your Vision?

19 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Essential Elements What are the essential elements that need to be in place to implement your vision?

20 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Sharing the Vision How do you communicate your vision to your staff?

21 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting Common Vision How do you involve your staff in the development of a common vision that includes technology support?

22 S.J. Brooks-Young Consulting A Supportive Environment How do you cultivate and nurture innovative uses of technology among your staff?

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