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Room 10’s Juggling As our Inquiry Focus Room 10 are learning how to be successful people, through learning how to juggle.

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Presentation on theme: "Room 10’s Juggling As our Inquiry Focus Room 10 are learning how to be successful people, through learning how to juggle."— Presentation transcript:


2 Room 10’s Juggling As our Inquiry Focus Room 10 are learning how to be successful people, through learning how to juggle.

3 As a class we defined what SUCCESS was…….  Success is when you achieve what you put your mind to.  Success is achieving something you never thought you could achieve.  Success is being proud of what you have achieved.

4 How we made Juggling Balls  We made our juggling balls using … - chicken feed - funnels - balloons - and alot of patience

5 Perseverance was needed!

6 Thinking about thinking. Keegan came up with a different way to juggle.

7 Juggling can be frustrating so we needed to … See the funny side!

8 Successful people listen to others with their ears, their minds and their feelings.

9 Successful people aren’t afraid of learning new things.  They want to have a go even if they might fail

10 We will…….  Make a Kool as Juggling Video.  Change our goals as we strive to reach higher achievements.  Use what we have learnt to become SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE.

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