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SPD Transformation Update SPD Program/Regional Staff April 22, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "SPD Transformation Update SPD Program/Regional Staff April 22, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPD Transformation Update SPD Program/Regional Staff April 22, 2014

2 Program Update Policy Revisions/Updates Training/Education SPD Initiatives  Legislation  Single Access  Demonstration Projects Engagement Strategy

3 Policy Revisions/Updates Direct Family Support  Broadening the definition of “respite”  Updated language (person directed, flexibility)  Reducing administrative burden

4 Independent Living Support Sharing results of ILS evaluation. Obtain additional feedback to update and expand ILS policy framework; plan to serve more individuals. Policy update will be consistent with the transformation principles.

5 Levels of Support Policy Promotes inclusion of community-based resources to meet the participant’s assessed needs in a support plan. i.e.: diabetic clinic, mental health services. Allows for a range of suitable programs and residential options to be considered. Choice is maximized while maintaining an appropriate supportive service that meets the wishes and assessed needs of the applicant/participant.

6 Training / Education Planning for training with staff and service providers;  Person directed services  Supported decision making  Dignity of risk  Choice

7 SPD Initiatives Legislation  Will provide foundation to support SPD Transformation  Literature and jurisdictional reviews underway  Reviewing other jurisdictional legislative frameworks  Consultations will be planned  Tentatively planned for Spring 2016

8 SPD Initiatives (Cont’d) Family Demonstration Projects  Criteria finalized, and circulated to regions  Regional staff to identify potential clients/families  Templates required, with client information/funding sources and overview of plan/costing  Eagerness to get these underway as soon as possible  New model may be launched based on outcomes

9 Single Access Levels of Support Policy going through approval process. Identifies the support needs individuals require. Replacing “gate keeping” model. “No wrong door” philosophy. Harmonizing policies with DHW.

10 Engagement Strategy Focus will be on keeping staff, sector, community and clients engaged and informed; Regular video-conferences with SPD staff; Intranet site developed with updates, Q and A’s; Role of the Joint Advisory Committee Role of Mary Jane Hampton Updates on activities, and success stories to be shared.

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