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Astronomy 1001 Section 1. Syllabus Astronomy 1001: Exploring the Universe Section 1, Spring semester 2014 Prof. Roberta M. Humphreys, 358 Physics, tel.

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomy 1001 Section 1. Syllabus Astronomy 1001: Exploring the Universe Section 1, Spring semester 2014 Prof. Roberta M. Humphreys, 358 Physics, tel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy 1001 Section 1

2 Syllabus Astronomy 1001: Exploring the Universe Section 1, Spring semester 2014 Prof. Roberta M. Humphreys, 358 Physics, tel. 624-6530 Lectures: 9:45 – 11:00 am on Tues., Thurs. in room 166 Physics. Office hours: 11:00 – noon TTh -- The hour before class is usually a bad time except for very brief matters. -- I will usually be in class at least 5 minutes before lecture and can stay afterwards for several minutes. These are good times to take care of most questions. For routine questions about course material, please ask a TA first (see below). E-mail: Warning: Don’t rely on e-mail for important or urgent questions. The inflow rate has become far too large.

3 TA office hours, in 451 Physics (for routine questions): Hours will be posted on the doors outside rooms 450 and B49. Textbook: Recommended Book – Discovering the Essential Universe by Neil Comins. Any recently published introductory astronomy text however will be satisfactory. I recommend used and paperback copies for the best price. Note that exams are based on my lectures. So attend class and take notes. The textbook is useful for studying and review. Web page for Ast 1001

4 Book for the lab exercises: Astronomy 1001/1011H Laboratory Manual 2013-14, a local production available in the university bookstore. Concerning the lab part of this course: 1. Labs are quite separate from the lectures. 2. Get a copy of the Astronomy 100/1011H1 Laboratory Manual 2013 – 2014, at the university bookstore. Since this book is a local production, most other stores won’t have it. 3. Important: Part of the lab course is an “observational project” concerning the Moon. Read about it and start observing the Moon as soon as possible! If you fall behind in this project, there honestly is no way to catch up. ( Note that the Moon is new on Jan 30 will not be visible. It will be in first quarter on Feb 6 and visible in the early evening until midnight.) 4. A schedule for lab activities is appended to this syllabus.

5 Grading: Officially we use the following recipe for final scores and grades. First mid-semester exam … 160 pts.16% Second exam … 160 16 % Final exam … 300 30 % 12 labs … 240 24 % Observational project … 140 14 % However, in effect the exams are even more important than these score-numbers indicate, for a statistical reason that will be mentioned in class. Grading will be based on a “modified curve”. Anyone earning 90% or better will earn an A- or higher. 50% is required to pass (D or better) and 60% for a C- or better. If you’re taking the course S/N, then a grade of ‘S’ will mean “C- or better (60%). Note: Furthermore, to get a passing grade you must earn 50% of the lab points (120/240) and 50% of the Obs. project points (70/140) and take all 3 exams. Exam dates: Dates for the two mid-semester exams have not been finalized yet but they will most likely be Feb 27/Mar 4, when I have finished the solar system and the week of April 7, when I have finished lecturing on stars. The correct dates will be announced in class at least a week in advance. In each case the rooms used for the exam will be announced in class. The final will be given ; Thurs May 15, 8:00 am– 10:00 am, room TBD

6 Academic standards: The CLA and CSE scholastic conduct and classroom procedures will be followed. You are responsible for knowing these, see the university website. Students are welcome to work together, exchange ideas, etc. But for the Observational Project you must do your own measurements and calculations. Exam procedures: Room assignments for the exams will be announced beforehand in class, Bring two pencils and a photo ID to each exam! Exams may include multiple-choice, short- answer, and essay questions. If you miss an exam, see the professor. All makeups are given on study day, Saturday May 10. Time and place to be determined. Exam scores will be posted by your course and ID# on the web. If you feel there’s a mistake on the multiple-choice part of an exam, please see the secretary in the astronomy department office, 356 Physics. Questions about essay questions should be directed to the professor. Environmental theme: This course satisfies the “environmental theme” specified on the university website. It introduces students to a wide range of topics, including physical principles and not just astronomy. One goal is to show the Earth in a broad context with a unique perspective on our home planet and its environment in the universe. In this course we’ll see how science views and interprets the physical world around us.

7 Ast 1001 Section 1 Professor Humphreys Outline of Lectures powerpoints will be posted at Week Dates Topic(s) Text 1 Jan 21, 23 Introduction Ch 1 Historical Perspective Ch. 2 2 Jan 28,30 Appearance of the Night Sky, Motions of Ch.1, 2 the Earth and Moon 3 Feb 4,6, Light, optics and telescopes Ch. 3 pg 61-88 Formation of Solar System, Extrasolar planets Ch 2, pg 43-58 4 Feb 11, 13 Terrestrial planets Ch. 4, 5 5 Feb 18,20 Jovian Planets and their satellites Ch. 5 Minor and dwarf planets, comets, meteors Ch. 6 6 Feb 25,27 Role of Impacts. Ch. 6 First Exam Feb 27 or Mar 4?

8 Week Dates Topic(s) Text 7 Mar 4,6 The atom and spectroscopy Ch. 3, pg 89-102 The Sun as a Star Ch. 7 8 Mar 11,13 Properties of the stars Ch. 8 Mar 17 – 21 Spring Break 9 Mar 25,27 Star formation, Stellar Evolution Ch. 9 10 April 1,3 Star Death - white dwarfs, supernovae, Ch. 10 neutron stars, black holes Second Exam -- week of April 7 11 April 8,10 Second Exam?, Milky Way Ch. 11 12 April 15,17 Normal Galaxies Ch. 11 13 April 22,24 Galaxies and the distance - redshift relation Ch. 11 14 April 29, May 1 Origin, evolution, and fate of the Universe Ch. 12 15 May 6, 8 Life in the Universe, (catch - up) Ch. 13 FINAL EXAM Sect 2 Friday, May 15 th, 8:00 – 10:00 am, room TBD

9 Schedule for Labs Spring 2013 Ast 1001 Week of Jan 20 no lab meetings Jan 27 Lab exercise D (Moon) Feb 3 exercise A (Distances) Feb 10 B (Kepler's Laws) Feb 17 E (Telescopes) first 3 Moon observations (Part I) due Feb 21, 5 pm Feb 24 L (Impacts) Mar 3 M or N (Life) Mar 10 I ( Energy) Mar 17 Spring Break Mar 24 NO LAB At least six new Moon observations (Part II) due Mar 28, 5 pm Mar 31 F (Spectroscopy) Apr 7 H (HR Diagram) Apr 14 K (History of Matter) Apr 21 J (Expansion of Universe) Final Moon Obs project due April 25, 5 pm Apr 28 G (Dark Matter) May 5 NO LAB

10 Astronomy -- the study of the stars The Sun and solar system

11 The Stars -- their birth and death

12 Galaxies and the Universe

13 In Astronomy we are concerned with origins and endings --- Your concepts of space and time will be altered. Time = Ages Earth, Sun and Solar System --- 4.5 x 10 9 yrs Solar Lifetime --- 10 x 10 9 yrs Age of Galaxy (oldest stars) --- ~ 12 x 10 9 yrs Age of Universe (expansion age) --- ~ 13 x 10 9 yrs Space = Distances Earth – Moon --- 284,400 km ( 240,000 mi) Earth – Sun --- 150 x 10 6 km ( 93 million miles) Solar System (to Pluto) --- 5.9 x 10 9 km (3.7 billion miles) Nearest Star --- 4.3 light years ( ~ 41 x 10 12 km ) Center of Galaxy --- 27,000 light years ( 256 x 10 15 km) Andromeda Galaxy --- 2.3 x 10 6 light yrs ( 22 x 10 18 km )

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