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Celestial Objects Solar System Objects –Sun, Moon, Planets and Their Moons Galactic Objects –Star Formation Regions –Open Clusters –Globular Clusters –Planetary.

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Presentation on theme: "Celestial Objects Solar System Objects –Sun, Moon, Planets and Their Moons Galactic Objects –Star Formation Regions –Open Clusters –Globular Clusters –Planetary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Celestial Objects Solar System Objects –Sun, Moon, Planets and Their Moons Galactic Objects –Star Formation Regions –Open Clusters –Globular Clusters –Planetary Nebulae –Supernova Remnants Extra-galactic Objects –Galaxies

2 Celestial Objects Solar System Information The brightest examples of Celestial Splendors

3 Earth’s Moon Complete set of phases over 29.5 days –(27.3 day orbital period)

4 Planets Planos = Wanderer among the fixed stars Bright disk (non stellar) in small telescopes

5 Milky Way Galaxy The Milky Way center in the direction of Sagittarius A comet, nature’s own cosmic dirty snowball.

6 Open Cluster Thousands of stars, sometimes gravitationally bound Contain the youngest, hottest galactic stars Associated with star formation regions in the galaxy.

7 Globular Cluster Hundreds of thousands of stars, gravitationally bound and spherically symmetric. Contain the oldest galactic stars Symmetrically distributed about the galaxy.

8 Star Formation Regions Giant clouds of gas and dust (mostly Hydrogen and Helium)

9 Planetary Nebula Hydrogen rich atmosphere from a dying solar-type star Central core of nebula (white-dwarf)

10 Supernova Remnant Stellar Explosion Leftovers Star Guts

11 Spiral Galaxies Millions upon millions of stars Star forming regions abound Globular clusters identified

12 Elliptical Galaxies Millions upon millions of stars Resemble Globular Clusters only on a Galactic scale. No spiral structure, very little star formation

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