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Space intro -Stars -Galaxies - Human history ∞? ∞.

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Presentation on theme: "Space intro -Stars -Galaxies - Human history ∞? ∞."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space intro -Stars -Galaxies - Human history ∞? ∞

2 What is a star system? o We call ours the solar system o has only one star, the sun. But… oThe majority of stars in our milky way are groups of two or more stars otwo stars are called double stars or binary.

3 Binary Star systems o Eclipsing binary o When one star blocks the light from another o Most binaries are found by observing the effects of gravity.


5 Our Milky Way o It looks milky because: oIt looks hazy because there are: omany stars packed together oMany clouds of dust and gas

6 Types of Galaxies oSpiral Galaxy oFlat with arms that spiral outward like a pinwheel oEliptical Galaxies oLike a flattened ball oThey have very little gas and dust oIrregular shaped Galaxies o Who knows what they look like?

7 Scale of the Universe o Light travels from the sun to Earth in o 8 sec o How long would it take for a shuttle to travel at 100kph o 140 years! o It takes _______ for light to travel from the nearest star to Earth o 4 years o the nearest star is therefore 4 light years away

8 Scale of the Universe o The nearest galaxynearest galaxy o 1000s of light years away o 25000 lightyears away o Or over 200000 ly away depends on your definition of galaxy

9 Uses for the sky o Have you ever heard of any stories about using stars o escaping slaves or mariners MAYBE? o Constellations o Group of stars in the same part of the sky o They are Appear very close together o But are they…

10 Consider constellation: canis miniminor o Fall o Spring Can you indicate which star is closest with a 1 beside it and so on, to 5.

11 Canis minor as it appears from the Andromeda galaxy looks totally different Stars are not on a 2D plane but Spread from each other in 3D

12 Reflect…. o Write down everything you don’t know instinctively.

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