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04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment Roya Olyazadeh, Zar Chi Aye, Michel Jaboyedoff and Marc-Henri Derron.

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Presentation on theme: "04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment Roya Olyazadeh, Zar Chi Aye, Michel Jaboyedoff and Marc-Henri Derron."— Presentation transcript:

1 04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment Roya Olyazadeh, Zar Chi Aye, Michel Jaboyedoff and Marc-Henri Derron

2 Introduction The central goal of this study is to develop an integrated system for rapid disaster impact assessment. The entire system plans to improve rapid assessment when there is a lack of information and data. The functions of the system are related to four main phases:  Hazard  Elements-at-risk  Vulnerability  Loss  Expert knowledge  Open data 04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment 2

3 Earthquake in Nepal 2015 04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment 3 Shaking intensity map of Earthquake 7.8 M (from (Grossi 2015)) Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake in Nepal & Aftershocks (from (Robertson and Koontz 2015))

4 Losses Based on UN report: 1More than 3 millions houses were damaged 2160,786 houses destroyed An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment

5 04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment 5 Methodology Loss i = P(0/1) i × fV i (I(x i, RND)) × W i  P(0/1): Probability of an object i to be affected (yes or no) depending on the knowledge  fVi(): Vulnerability function of the considered object depending on the intensity I  I(xi, RND):Intensity function depending on the location xi and a random value RND [0-1]  Wi: Value of the object at risk (mainly buildings) The total loss: TL = ∑ Loss i

6 Architecture The platform consists of the following components:  Geo-database (PostgreSQL and PostGIS);  Geographic user interface, including maps (Extjs, OpenLayers and GXP)  Web-GIS server (Geoserver)  User management with SQL (UserCake:  Data analysis and process in PHP 04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment 6 CLIENT SERVER DATABASE OpenLayers /GXP JavaScript/ Html/CSS WWW Apache-Tomcat GeoServer SQLPostgreSQL PostGISUserCake PHP

7 Main View of Application 04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment 7

8 Procedures 04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment 8

9 Results 04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment 9

10 Conclusion 04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment 10  Flexibility and usability  Fast with a modest budget  Huge amount of data  By using open data, elimination the lack of information and data (e.g., OSM, USGS, Numbeo and GADM database) Pros:  It is not an accurate loss estimation The full functional system is still under development in order to fulfill the lack of information, the user requirements and skilled knowledge of the earthquake experts.

11 Thank You! You need more information,please contact me: 04.12.2015 г. An Open-Source WebGIS Platform for Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment 11

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