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Bird Feeder Data By Julia Rea. This summer, my dad made a birdfeeder for my sister and I. Each day, we watch birds eat from it. I’ve recorded data on.

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Presentation on theme: "Bird Feeder Data By Julia Rea. This summer, my dad made a birdfeeder for my sister and I. Each day, we watch birds eat from it. I’ve recorded data on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bird Feeder Data By Julia Rea

2 This summer, my dad made a birdfeeder for my sister and I. Each day, we watch birds eat from it. I’ve recorded data on which types of birds came to it. Some of the birds that I list, have both male and female. That means that the male and female are sexually dimorphic. Sexually dimorphic is when the male and female have differences in how they look. Others, are not sexually dimorphic. That means, that the male and female look the exactly the same.

3 Woodpeckers Hairy Woodpecker - Male and Female Downy Woodpecker - Male and Female Red–Bellied Woodpecker – Male and Female

4 Finches American Goldfinch – Male and Female Purple Finch – Male and Female House Finch – Male and Female

5 Grosbeaks and Nuthatches Rose – Breasted Grosbeak – Male and Female Red-Breasted Nuthatch White-Breasted Nuthatch

6 Common Birds Brown-headed Cowbird - Male and Female American Crow Common Grackle

7 Common Birds Black-Capped Chickadee House Sparrow – Male and Female Dark-Eyed Junco – Male and Female

8 More Common Birds Northern Cardinal – Male and Female Mourning Dove Eastern Kingbird American Robin – Male and Female

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