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Purchase Module Planned Flow of the Software # 002 = Purchase Order How to Create.. Steps & Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Purchase Module Planned Flow of the Software # 002 = Purchase Order How to Create.. Steps & Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purchase Module Planned Flow of the Software # 002 = Purchase Order How to Create.. Steps & Questions

2 File # 002 Covers the Third cell of this flow chart Purchase indent Indent Approval Purchase Order PO checking PO Approval Gate Entry Quantity MRR QA – QC Bill Passing Paymentx

3 PO entry PO terms and conditions PO editingPO Printing Topics Covered


5 After PR approval now make Purchase Order PO via General PO

6 Select the type of from different “PO Types”

7 Questions at this stage Make PR compulsory for PO ? – Recommended “YES” by Finsys, if actual users can make PR. Reduces work for Purchase dept, reduces errors. Allow to copy, previous PO ? – Ok, only if PR is compulsory. – IF PR is compulsory, remove this option – If PR is not required, then take this option

8 Questions at this stage Allow PR Quantity change ? If PR is for 1000 kg, I can make PO for 4000 kg ? – Recommended that don’t allow, for better control – You can reduce in PO, but, not increase

9 Questions at this stage Rates for the PO : fill here manually or auto fill, from approved vendor list ? – – Idea : make one more step, approved vendor price list. Fix prices there. Fix taxes there, fix discounts there. Approve that list – Now, in the future PO’s, the rate + tax are automatically from that table. – Good = for additional control – Demerit = Some companies don’t like to have one more step. Not ok for highly fluctuating prices

10 As Purchase department person select PR No. half of the columns filled automatically rest need to fill by Purchase department Like, Rate, Vendor, Fright if any, taxes for one time etc. He is authorised to change the quantity if company wants… Finalising a Purchase Order

11 Decisions required Which cells are compulsory ?

12 Fill the second Tag of PO Terms and Conditions Here you can attach the picture or required item


14 Some Additional features in Purchase Order entry screen Excise, VAT, Terms and conditions popups

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17 Ready

18 Decisions required Which cells are compulsory ?

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26 Decisions Which popups are compulsory ? What information to come as “choices” in those popups ?

27 Test Certificate required ?

28 1

29 Benefit of Standard packing instructions, if possible

30 1

31 Facility to Edit ?

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34 1

35 Option for Excisable Packing Charges ?

36 Excisable trader and ADI

37 Now, this is a “DRAFT Purchase Order”


39 Questions at this stage Should we allow Printout of “Draft Purchase order” ? Or is that “Not allowed” ? – Best Business Practice (BBP) : don’t allow – Reason : if draft PO is printed, / or made PDF, it can be misused, – That draft printout can be sent without permission to the vendor, vendor may supply the goods, and then you end up receiving the goods, even if they were not required. – Ideal situation = The Approving authority must approve “online. And then it must be sent as PDF to the vendor. With “authorised-by” auto printed on the PO. – Good = for additional control – This control is “Not suitable” for companies where Directors don’t approve “online”.

40 Questions at this stage Should we print the made by, checked by, authorised by ? At the bottom of the PO, automatically ? – Best Business Practice (BBP) : Yes – Reason : proof that it is authorised by them. – Good = for additional control – This control is “Not suitable” for companies where Directors don’t approve “online”.

41 Another Lock ? Don’t allow Multiple Open Purchase orders for same item to same party …. Finsys Recommends = YES Benefit = – Prevents errors at Gate, which PO ? Only 1. – Prevents multiple Rates for same item – Controls the vendor – Proper stock valuation


43 Over to Next Powerpoint

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