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On The Cooperation of Web Clients and Proxy Caches Yiu Fai Sit, Francis C.M. Lau, Cho-Li Wang Department of Computer Science The University of Hong Kong.

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Presentation on theme: "On The Cooperation of Web Clients and Proxy Caches Yiu Fai Sit, Francis C.M. Lau, Cho-Li Wang Department of Computer Science The University of Hong Kong."— Presentation transcript:

1 On The Cooperation of Web Clients and Proxy Caches Yiu Fai Sit, Francis C.M. Lau, Cho-Li Wang Department of Computer Science The University of Hong Kong

2 How an Object is Requested with HTTP Request: Cached? Expired? Send req to higher level server Use cache, reply if necessary Send validation req to higher level server No Yes Focus of this talk

3 How to Handle a Validation Request Validation request contains a validator of the object: –“version number” of the object –Contained in previous response Goal: to send the smallest possible response Received validation request Cached? Validator matched? Send req to higher level server Send new version and its validator Send Not Modified No Yes

4 When Does an Object Expire in a Cache? Each object has its own time to live (TTL) Object expires when its age > TTL Age is (almost) consistent through the cache hierarchy TTL is computed locally by each cache (web browser, proxy) 3 ways in decreasing priority: –Max-age directive (in web server’s response) –Expires header (in web server’s response) –Heuristic: Fraction x (Date header – Last-Modified header) TTL is updated only when response is received First 2 ways provide precise control of TTL, but seldom used Heuristic is by far the most common (~85%)

5 Problems of TTL Heuristics (1) Different caches use different Fraction Different TTLs in different caches for the same object Consider a web browser cache and a proxy cache: –Web browser cache uses small Fraction -> small TTL –Proxy cache uses larger Fraction -> larger TTL Fresh Expired Browser’s TTLProxy’s TTL Time (age) Browser Proxy Result: redundant validation requests from the browser in the shaded period Validation Not Modified

6 Problems of TTL Heuristics (2) Consider a web browser cache and a proxy cache: –Web browser cache uses large Fraction -> large TTL –Proxy cache uses small Fraction -> small TTL Fresh Expired Browser’s TTLProxy’s TTL Time (age) Browser Proxy If another browser requests this object (through the proxy), the object gets refreshed in proxy Result: the browser may use a stale object even the proxy has a fresh copy (browser can get it with low cost)

7 In Real Life… HTTP/1.1 suggests Fraction = 0.1 –Firefox and Netscape Browser Squid Web Proxy Cache –Fraction = 0.2 (default) –Maximum TTL is 3 days Slightly complex scenario: –Objects modified within last 15 days TTL proxy = 2 x TTL browser (redundant validation requests) –Objects modified in the last 16-30 days TTL proxy > TTL browser (redundant validation requests) –Objects modified more than 30 days ago TTL proxy <= TTL browser (browser may use stale copy) Other browsers and proxy caches can have different settings and perform differently

8 Simulation of Different TTL Combinations Simulated the interaction between browsers and a proxy cache Used proxy trace from our department –10-day period –Squid with default settings of TTL computation –512 browsers –> 3.6 million requests –Also collected the response headers of the requests Simulated browsers and proxy started with empty caches Browsers generated requests according to: –TTL computation rule –Cache state (depends on the proxy response) Found out the number of validation requests in different combinations of TTL computation

9 Simulation Results HTTP/1.1 with Squid default has less validation requests than using Squid default in both browsers and proxy –But there are redundant requests and browsers may use stale copy What happened in the real browsers? –Sends validation requests for all first references of objects since browser started –But does not change the effective TTL computation (i.e. Squid default) BrowsersProxyValidation Requests HTTP/1.1 50244 Squid default 85529 HTTP/1.1Squid default78802 RealSquid default1157529

10 Suggestions No redundant validation requests if TTL is specified explicitly by web server (web designer/admin) Very slow / no adoption: –Too many objects in a web site (too much work to specify TTL) –Redundant requests are filtered by proxy We suggest to solve the problem in proxy caches If solved, can help reduce the load of proxy caches A simple solution: –Proxy cache sends explicit expiration time to clients according to its own TTL computation –Can use standard HTTP/1.1 headers

11 Uncachable Misses

12 Uncachable Objects Uncachable objects: –Determined by the caches –Dynamically generated objects in general In our log, 70% of misses are uncachable 60% of bytes transferred in misses Proxy cache does not help, but adds overhead Why do the browsers ask the proxy? –Currently, all objects are handled the same

13 Possible Solutions and Results Most dynamically generated objects contains cgi-bin or ? in their urls Solution 1: look for these signatures in url, send request to web server directly if present Solution 2: browser/proxy can also remember those urls that correspond to uncachable object Overhead is small since browser/proxy searches it local cache anyway Solution% of uncachable misses filtered 141.91 280.96 1 and 287.26

14 Conclusions Cooperation between browsers and proxies are not flawless We pointed out 2 problems These problems may become more severe: –Larger browser cache sizes (more possible validations) –More dynamic and personal contents Our solutions are simple, yet should perform well

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