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Philosophy of Truth Do Now: Get together with your team. Make sure you have a copy of the reading. Get to work!

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Presentation on theme: "Philosophy of Truth Do Now: Get together with your team. Make sure you have a copy of the reading. Get to work!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosophy of Truth Do Now: Get together with your team. Make sure you have a copy of the reading. Get to work!

2 Team Leader Presentation Evaluation Work Collection

3 Summarizer Outlines of articles in your collection (6-15 lines) 1 paragraph summary of each article Share summary with group Submit work to team leader

4 Passage Master Select 2 paragraphs / passages from your reading collection Write 1 paragraph for each selection, explaining why you chose it, and its significance. Discuss w/ team Discuss w/ me Submit work to team leader

5 Connections Coordinator Work with a CC from a different group with a different reading to: Write a 1-3 paragraph explanation of how the two sets of readings fit together. Discuss w/ me. Submit work to 1 team leader, make sure both of your names appear on writing.

6 Visual Artist Construct a poster or other visual representation of the ideas presented in your set of articles. Discuss significance w/ me or: Use poster as a basis for presentation of team leader (only if a 4 member group)

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