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FRACTION CHEF By Ebony Manion. introduction At school we cooked we all got spit up into 8 groups Pizza cupcake mini pancakes Jelly My group made pizza.

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Presentation on theme: "FRACTION CHEF By Ebony Manion. introduction At school we cooked we all got spit up into 8 groups Pizza cupcake mini pancakes Jelly My group made pizza."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRACTION CHEF By Ebony Manion

2 introduction At school we cooked we all got spit up into 8 groups Pizza cupcake mini pancakes Jelly My group made pizza Lilly(our team leader)Ebony, Bryn,Thomas, Arreveyer


4 PIZZA  Remember to:  Wear rubber gloves at all times  Wash your hands before you begin  Do not touch your mouth or face while cooking  Make your measuring correct  Ingredients:  1 teaspoon of tomato paste  2 handfuls of cheese (mozzarella)  Half a pizza base each  5 slices of ham

5 pizza To double your ingredients It would look like this… 1 slices of pita bread 10 slices of ham 4 handfuls of cheese 2 teaspoons of tomato paste

6 PIZZA  100 people  You have to do this…  50 pizza bases  100 teaspoons of tomato paste  200 handfuls of cheese (mozzarella)  500 slices of ham

7 Method: cut up all your ingredients if you got canned pineapple make sure you get your juice out first and put all your ingredients into different bowls then get your pita bread and put a knife around the edge so you have half a pizza base then get your tea spoon of tomato paste and spread it around get your toppings (there is some idea’s for toppings on this picture if your stuck)spread them round and put your pizza in the oven for 15mins then take it out and ENJOY!

8 THANKS FOR WATCHING! I hope you enjoyed my fraction chef presentation NOW TIME TO EAT!

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