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Large Combustion Plants and their specific situation Peter VAJDA.

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Presentation on theme: "Large Combustion Plants and their specific situation Peter VAJDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large Combustion Plants and their specific situation Peter VAJDA

2 What is a large combustion plant?  LCPD definition: any technical apparatus in which fuels are oxidised in order to use the heat thus generated  Fuels can be solid, liquid or gaseous  Plants for the generation of heat and electricity  50 MW rated thermal input: legislative threshold  How does a coal-fired power plant work? How does a coal-fired power plant work? coaloilnatural gas

3 History of the LCP Directive  First European legislative instrument in this field adopted in 1988 (88/609/EEC)  Current LCP Directive adopted in 2001  In force until end 2015  From 1 January 2016, IED (Chapter III and Annex V) will take over and LCPD repealed

4 Main elements of the LCPD  Setting emission limit values for SO 2, NO x and dust (particulate matter) for plants with a rated thermal input ≥ 50 MW  ELVs may vary based on the RTI and the age of the plant and on the type of fuel used (see next slide)  Different ELVs for new and existing plants (“old new”, “new new”  historical reasons)  Provisions on monitoring  Flexibility mechanisms (see later)

5 Emission limit values  SO 2, exisiting plants

6  IPPC/IED  BAT-based permitting  LCP  emission limit values and associated monitoring  LCP should be considered as a „safety net“ for the application of BAT Relationship between IPPC/IED and LCP BAT LCP ELVs non-compliance

7  Two main ways of implementation: 1) Art. 4(1) and (2) in connection with Annexes III to VII – compliance with individual ELVs 2) Art. 4(6) - preparation of a NERP  Art. 4(4) - Limited lifetime derogation (opt-out)  Temporary exemption for meeting the ELVs  Limited in time (2008-2015) and in operational hours (20.000)  Plant has to shut down at the end of the derogation period  security of supply has to be strictly considered Elements of flexibility

8  Art. 5(1) – Peak load plants If a plant only operates a limited amount of hours every year, it may be subject to less stringent ELVs  Annex III, Part A – Desulphurization rate (for solid fuels) Where the ELVs cannot be met due to characteristics of the fuel (coal with high S-content)

9 Penalties  Art. 16: “The Member States shall determine the penalties applicable to breaches of the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive. The penalties thus provided for shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.“  Alternative ways of compliance have to be considered  Main reason: non-compliance with the emission limit values, inappropriate monitoring


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