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2 INDICATORS An indicator is a measure
that is used to demonstrate change in a situation, or the progress in, or results of an activity, project, or programme. Indicators: are measures used to demonstrate changes over time; point to the results; enable us to be “watchdogs”; are essential instruments for monitoring and evaluation.

3 INDICATORS: TYPES Indicators exist in many different forms:
Direct indicators correspond precisely to results at any performance level. Indirect or "proxy" indicators demonstrate the change or results if direct measures are not feasible. Direct Indirect / proxy Indicators are usually quantitative measures, expressed as percentage or share, as a rate, as a ratio. Indicators may also be qualitative observations. Qualitative Quantitative Global / standardised Standardised global indicators are comparable in all settings. Other indicators tend to be context specific and must be developed locally. Locally developed

Impact Performance indicators: are measures that show results relative to what was planned at each level of the "results chain". Outcome Output are tools for performance-based decisions about programme strategies and activities. can also be used later to evaluate project/programme success. Process Input

Impact Impact Measure the quality and quantity of long-term results generated by programme outputs. Outcome Outcome Measure the intermediate results generated by programme outputs. They often correspond to any change in people’s behaviour as a result of programme. Output Output Measure the quantity, quality and timeliness of the products — goods or services — that are the result of an activity/project/programme. Process Process Measure the progress of activities in a programme/project and the way these are carried out . Input Input Measure the quantity, quality and timeliness of resources provided for an activity/project/programme.

6 EXAMPLE Impact Impact Outcome Outcome Output Output Process Process
Reduction in morbidity and mortality Proportion of target population who meet prescribed standards of behaviour Outcome Outcome Number whose behaviour change Output Output Number whose opinions change Number who learn the facts Process Process Number who read the literature Number of people who receive the literature Input Input Amount of literature distributed Number of pieces of literature available for distribution

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