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Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 6 Homework Answer Key.

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1 Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 6 Homework Answer Key

2 Problem 1 a < 0.83 = 83/100 205/1000 = 0.205 < > Five ones and eight tenths = Fifty-eight tenths Thirty-six and nine thousandths < Four tens

3 Problem 1 One hundred four and twelve hundredths > One hundred four and two thousandths One hundred fifty-eight thousandths < 0.58 < Seven hundred three and five hundredths

4 Problem 2 Arrange the numbers in increasing order.
8.008; 8.08; 8.081; 8.09 14.200; ; ;

5 Problem 3 Arrange the numbers in decreasing order.
8.58; 8.508; 7.5; 7.058 ; ; ;

6 Problem 4 James measured his hand. It was 0.17 meters. Jennifer measured her hand. It was meters. Whose hand is bigger? How do you know? James has the bigger hand. I know this because James’ hand is 0.17 meters, which has one more tenth than Jennifer’s hand, which measures at meters.

7 Problem 5 In a paper airplane contest, Marcel’s plane travels meters. Salvador’s plane travels 3.35 meters. Jennifer’s plane travels 3.3 meters. Based on the measurements, whose plane traveled the farthest distance? Whose plane traveled the shortest distance? Explain your reasoning using a place value chart.

8 Problem 5 Marcel Salvador 3.35 Jennifer 3.3 Salvador’s plane traveled the farthest distance. Jennifer’s plane traveled the shortest distance. When comparing the three distances, Salvador’s distance one more hundredths compared to Marcel and 5 more hundredths compared to Jennifer’s plane.

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