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Thanksgiving Extra Credit Project Please Do Now: How would an organic farmer deal with there not being enough nutrients in his fields?

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Presentation on theme: "Thanksgiving Extra Credit Project Please Do Now: How would an organic farmer deal with there not being enough nutrients in his fields?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thanksgiving Extra Credit Project Please Do Now: How would an organic farmer deal with there not being enough nutrients in his fields?

2 Agenda Do Now Introduce Optional Thanksgiving Extra Credit Project Data Analysis Vocab Bingo

3 Overview For this extra credit you will be reading post on the facebook page “evolution” The address is You will read up to 20 posts on the page, and provide a 3-4 sentence summary of the post (example to follow) Along with your summaries, you will submit a simple list of the posts you read (for me to use in grading this)

4 Grading Each summary you submit will be worth 3 points – 3 points for a good summary of the entire post – 2 points for an adequate summary that shows effort but did not really hit on the main points of the post – 1 point for a partially correct summary that shows you at least looked at the post

5 Grading contd. Sum up the points you have earned = 60 possible points Divide by 6 = points that will be added to your test grade

6 What not to do Do not copy other people’s summaries. I will know and I will not give either of you any extra credit Do not just read the first part and try and do you summary from the part before the “see more” button. I will be able to tell Do not ask for an extension. This assignment is due Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

7 Sample Summary (Grasshoppers louder over traffic) Grasshoppers have songs they use to attract mates. A new study has found that in urban areas, grasshoppers change their song so that they can be heard over the sound of the city. Other animals have been known to do this, but this is the first time it have been observed in insects. Conservationists are concerned that the changes won’t be enough and males and females still won’t be able to find each other.

8 1.What is on the y-axis? 2.How much are STEM jobs projected to grow from 2008-2018?

9 1.What is on the x axis? 2.What is on the y- axis? 3.3. What do the different colors represent? 4.How much more on average will a person with an associates degree make in a STEM field vs. a non- STEM field?

10 Unifying question (1 sentence) Why should you consider a job in a science, technology, engineering, or math field?

11 Bingo You must get 5 in a row to win We will play until 3 people have won Please do not yell out answers. I will call on people.

12 The part of the plant’s stem/trunk that water flows through on its way from the roots to the leaves

13 The site of the majority of cell growth and division in plants (Hint: there is a root apical one and an shoot apical one)

14 The leaves of the embryonic plant and the first to emerge from the seed

15 Something added to the soil to give it more nutrients

16 The sac where pollen is produced

17 The hormone that controls growth in plants (lots of this lots of growth)

18 A type of farming that emphasizes reducing the environmental and societal impact of food production

19 The dead part of the trunk of trees

20 A place where livestock are fed corn to fatten them up before slaughter

21 The membrane that chlorophyll is embedded in

22 The diffusion of water from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration

23 The process of using the sun’s energy to turn CO2 into sugar

24 The openings in the leaf through which water escapes and CO2 enters

25 The molecule that makes up the secondary cell walls of some cells. It makes wood woody, and leaves do not have it.

26 The part of the flower that protects the bud as it develops

27 A waxy layer on top of the leaf that prevents water loss

28 The layer of the leaf where the majority of photosynthesis occurs

29 A measure of how much crop a farmer gets off his fields

30 The organ responsible for water uptake in plants

31 A plant that produces flowers

32 The movement of seeds away from their parent plant

33 The series of proteins that electrons are passed through in the light dependent reactions to generate ATP and NADPH

34 The pigment that absorbs sunlight to excite electrons

35 The molecule that makes up most of the primary cell wall, and is very similar structurally to glucose

36 A type of agriculture that is most concerned with how high yields can get

37 The process of a seed sprouting

38 Where energy and resources are stored within the seed

39 Water molecules sticking together

40 The part of a flower where pollen lands

41 The organelle where photosynthesis takes place

42 The part of the seed that protects the embryonic plant from the environment

43 The force generated by the expanding (due to osmosis) cell membrane pushing out on the cell wall

44 the part of the flower that attracts pollinators

45 The part of the tree trunk where active growth takes place

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