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Presentation on theme: " Angel and Rosena’s story Zambia Lent 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angel and Rosena’s story Zambia Lent 2012

2 15 year old Angel and 11 year old Rosena from Zambia used to spend hours each day fetching water from the river.

3 Did you know? 884 million people lack access to safe water supplies; approximately one in eight people. Think about… Imagine what it would be like to drink a glass of water, not knowing if it was truly clean or not. How would you feel?

4 Colleting water was not only tiring, but also meant that children like Rosena and Angel would often be late for school because they were walking for water.

5 Did you know? 443 million school days are lost every year as a result of water- and sanitation-related diseases Think about… Imagine the worst. Half of your class won’t make it to the end of their schooling because of poverty, lack of sanitation, illness or disease. Is that acceptable? What would you do about it?

6 The water Angel and Rosena collected was contaminated because of the animals who shared the water source. This dirty water is what they used to drink, wash with and bathe in.

7 Did you know? At any given time, half of the developing world’s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from diseases associated with poor water and sanitation Think about… How well do you know your neighbours? What would happen if only a couple of houses in your street had access to clean water? Would they share this water with you? How would you cope?

8 Sadly Angel and Rosena lost their grandmother to cholera, caused by the dirty water. Angel’s friend Chiruba also died because of water related disease.

9 Did you know? Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water- related disease. Think about… What you can do to raise money for CAFOD this Lent. How can your actions, time and generosity make a difference to people like Angel and Rosena?

10 CAFOD has recently drilled a borehole in the village, which pumps clean water from underground. The borehole saves the family an enormous amount of time and energy, and it prevents the spread of disease.

11 We have also provided the family with a large rainwater tank to help harvest rainwater, and having water near the home make such a difference to the lives of Angel and Rosena’s family.

12 Solomon from our partner Caritas Zambia says: “If every person in Zambia had access to clean water, life would be transformed. If you have clean water, you have health, cleanliness and dignity.”

13 Give it up! for water this Lent and help bring about this transformation. The actions you take can make a real difference to the lives of people living in poverty.

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