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This is Unit 1: The American Revolution!!! 100 400 200 400 500 200 300 100 300 400 100 200 400 200 500 300 100 300 500 200 300 Effects Board 1 We gotta.

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2 This is Unit 1: The American Revolution!!!

3 100 400 200 400 500 200 300 100 300 400 100 200 400 200 500 300 100 300 500 200 300 Effects Board 1 We gotta fight for our right!! Pointing Fingers How much did you read?! Victory or death? How about just victory. Figures of Independence

4 100 200 300 400 500 We gotta fight for our right!! Pointing Fingers How much did you read?! Victory or death? How about just victory. Real Question Board 2 Figures of Independence

5 This was the first battle of the American Revolution

6 Lexington

7 This battle took place on December 26, 1776.

8 The Battle of Trenton

9 This battle was considered the turning point of the war, securing aid from the French.

10 Battle of Saratoga

11 This battle was considered the last major battle of the American Revolution.

12 Battle of Yorktown

13 Though neither side “won” this battle, Washington demonstrated his keen sense of leadership and strategy by narrowly escaping in the middle of the night using militiamen as a distraction.

14 Battle of Princeton

15 This economic system dominated trade relationships between the British and her colonies.

16 Mercantilism

17 These acts greatly restricted trade within the colonies because it gave the British a great amount of control over colonial trade.

18 Navigation Acts

19 This act placed a direct tax on all paper goods, such as newspapers and magazines.

20 Stamp Act

21 These acts were passed as a punishment after the Boston Tea Party; the port of Boston was shut down and trials of royal officials were to be held in GB

22 Intolerable (coercive)

23 This was an indirect tax that took the place of the stamp tax. Though it was eventually repealed, the tax on tea remained.

24 Townshend Act

25 Paine wrote this in order to rally colonists to support the call for independence.

26 Common Sense

27 This British Philosopher supported the Social Contract Theory and the right to overthrow an unfair government

28 Locke

29 Thomas Paine released his first article of this series on December 23, 1776. It was distributed by Washington to his troops immediately before the Battle of Trenton.

30 The American Crisis

31 This was the famous line written by Abigail Adams when request that her husband include women in the rights stated within the D.O.I.

32 “remember the ladies”

33 This man drafted most of the Declaration of Independence

34 Jefferson

35 He was the commander of the continental army.

36 Washington

37 He was the King of England during the time of the American Revolution

38 King George III

39 This American pushed for declaring independence during the Second Continental Congress; He was also on the Committee of Five

40 John Adams

41 This patriot led the Sons of Liberty

42 Samuel Adams

43 TTThis philosopher believe that the State of Nature was a state of war, and that people were naturally bad. It directly contracted Locke.

44 Hobbes

45 This group of fighters utilized “guerilla warfare”, in which they would engage in surprise attacks rather than traditional warfare.

46 Militia

47 This American general set up a blockade at Bemis Heights, which led to the Burgoyne’s surrender at Saratoga.

48 Gates

49 This Treaty secured aid from the French.

50 Treaty of Alliance

51 This document was the first attempt at government after independence was declared.

52 Articles of Confederation

53 This is the building in which the Declaration of Independence was signed and the Constitution was drafted.

54 Independence Hall

55 Final Jeopardy!!!!!!!!!!!! Name three specific provisions of the Intolerable Acts.


57 Name the three sections of the Declaration of Independence


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