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The Qin Dynasty.

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Presentation on theme: "The Qin Dynasty."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Qin Dynasty

2 Contributions Began building the Great Wall of China to keep out nomadic invaders from Gobi Desert. Finished 1,500 years later!!!

3 Problems Arise Emperor Qin seen as cruel and harsh.
Burned books of opposing views Killed or imprisoned opposers Practiced Legalism Aristocrats, Farmers, and Scholars all angry with him.

4 The Han Dynasty

5 The Han Dynasty The Han Dynasty lasted over 400 years from 206 B.C. to 220 A.D.

6 Han Contributions The Han were great inventors.
They invented many new technologies. In 132 AD, a Han inventor invented the world’s first seismograph, an instrument that measures earthquakes. Drill Bits, Waterwheel, Acupuncture

7 First seismograph

8 Seismograph Today

9 Papermaking The Han probably made paper for the first time in 100 B.C.
The emperor found out about paper about 200 years later in 100 A.D.

10 Chinese paper

11 Han Government Han Wudi- Civil Service Exam.. Most qualified. Favored Wealthy-Expensive Empire grows from 20 to 60 Millions

12 Han Art The Han also developed the arts.
Landscape and portrait paintings were advanced. Han authors wrote many essays and plays. Han authors also wrote history, which is why we know about them.


14 Han Religions The Han made Confucianism the official religion of China. Han rulers also supported Daoism which teachers the key to happiness is accepting life as it is.

15 Chinese Trade The Chinese product most in demand by other people was silk. The trade route from China to Arabia and Europe takes its name from silk. It was called the Silk Road. Traders traveled from China with silk. They returned with lumber, horses, and other products the Chinese people needed.

16 Map of the Silk Road

17 The Silk Road The Chinese used the Silk Road to export their silk.
Export-send their goods to other lands to be sold. The Chinese also imported what they needed from other countries. Import= goods that are brought in. The Chinese made profits, or money gained, from their exporting on the Silk Road.

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