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Ramps, Geotropism, and Turgor Pressure REVISITED!!

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Presentation on theme: "Ramps, Geotropism, and Turgor Pressure REVISITED!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ramps, Geotropism, and Turgor Pressure REVISITED!!

2 Geotropism Explores how gravity affects the growth of plants Remember the CORN Lab!!!!! What direction did the roots grow? ▫Downward What force caused the roots to grow that direction? ▫Gravity What direction did the stem grow? ▫Upward What force did the stem have to overcome? ▫Gravity

3 Germinating The process of the plant emerging from the seed.

4 Turgor Pressure (Potato Lab) The force that causes plants to stand upright. Water in the vacuole pushes the plant’s cell wall outward.

5 Turgor Pressure Happy Plants have high turgor pressure (lots of water) Low turgor pressure causes wilting(drooping)

6 Incline Plane (RAMPS) Watch video and fill out Reflection ch?v=M4xs104hCgY ch?v=M4xs104hCgY What’s the BIG IDEA!!! 1.The amount of Force is affected by the length of the ramp. ▫As the length increases, the amount of force needed decreases. 2.The amount of work is the same with or without a ramp.

7 Ramps and Triangle Angles 30◦ ramp angle 60◦ ramp angle 45◦ ramp angle

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