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Integer Linear Programming Terms Pure integer programming mixed integer programming 0-1 integer programming LP relaxation of the IP Upper bound O.F. Lower.

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Presentation on theme: "Integer Linear Programming Terms Pure integer programming mixed integer programming 0-1 integer programming LP relaxation of the IP Upper bound O.F. Lower."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integer Linear Programming Terms Pure integer programming mixed integer programming 0-1 integer programming LP relaxation of the IP Upper bound O.F. Lower bound O.F. Tree, Node, Arc Fathomed node Candidate solution IE 416, Chap 9:1, July 98

2 Branch-and-bound makes arbitrary choices Select one variable Select one subproblem LIFO, back tracking, newest problem Best, jump tracking, best bound Select near optimal IE 416, Chap 9:2, July 98

3 Traveling Salesperson Problem (page 522) X ij = 1 if travel from i to j 0 otherwise C ij = distance (or cost) to travel between i and j C ij = M, a large number, to prohibit a route Tour = An itinerary that begins and ends at the same city and visits each city once. Subtour = A round trip that does not pass through all cities Each new subproblem will add one more to the prohibited routes IE 416, Chap. 9, Feb. 99

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