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The Parkes Data Archiving Project Arkadi Kosmynin 11 December 2009 The Third ATNF Gravitational Wave Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "The Parkes Data Archiving Project Arkadi Kosmynin 11 December 2009 The Third ATNF Gravitational Wave Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Parkes Data Archiving Project Arkadi Kosmynin 11 December 2009 The Third ATNF Gravitational Wave Workshop

2 CSIRO. The Third ATNF Gravitational Wave Workshop Outline Project background Things to be done Objectives Opportunities

3 CSIRO. The Third ATNF Gravitational Wave Workshop Project background ANDS - Australian National Data Service ARDC - Australian Research Data Commons, research infrastructure, will support the discovery of, and access to, research data held in Australian universities, publicly funded research agencies and government organisations for the use of research. Sharing research data is good: This is a joined project of Australia Telescope National Facility and CSIRO Information Management and Technology, funded by ANDS. For reputation For collaboration For future research done more effectively

4 CSIRO. The Third ATNF Gravitational Wave Workshop Project objectives Allow universal discovery and access (subject to any embargo policies) to all Parkes pulsar observation data; Allow members of the public and the research communities to discover and access refined data products derived from Parkes observations by CSIRO researchers via the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC); Encourage data reuse in the International Astronomy community by making ATNF data available through the Australian and International Virtual Observatory registry services.

5 CSIRO. The Third ATNF Gravitational Wave Workshop Things to do Identify data sets to publish; Analyse data collection and structure; Identify metadata sources; Develop tools for data conversion and cleansing; Develop metadata schemas; Take care of access management; Establish data publishing procedures; Deploy storage, indexing and search infrastructure; Integrate with other ANDS services; Automate processes.

6 CSIRO. The Third ATNF Gravitational Wave Workshop Opportunities Publish Parkes pulsar data; Use gained expertise, built software and infrastructure to: Publish other Parkes data; Publish ASKAP data; Publish other ATNF existing data; Index all data accumulated by mankind. Publish SKA data; Index third party data;

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