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CHAPTER 5 5.1 Noise 5.2 Transmission Media & EM Propagations.

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1 CHAPTER 5 5.1 Noise 5.2 Transmission Media & EM Propagations

2 Introduction Define as undesired random variations that interface with the desired signal and inhibit communication. Where does noise originate in a communication system? 1.Channel @ transmission medium 2.Devices @ Equipments

3 Cont’d... Noise Effect One of the main limiting factor in obtaining high performance of a communication system. Decrease the quality of the receiving signal.

4 Block Diagram of Communication System With the Existence of Noise

5 Cont’d... Noise, interference and distortion –Noise Refers to random and unpredictable electrical signals produced by natural process. Superimposed on information bearing signal, the message partially corrupted or totally erased. Can be reduced by filtering but can’t totally eliminated.

6 Cont’d... –Interference A contamination by extraneous signals from human sources (e.g. from other Tx, power lines, machineries) Often occurred in radio system whose Rx antenna intercept several signals at the same time.

7 Cont’d... –Distortion The signal perturbation caused by imperfect response of the system to the desired signal. Disappear when the signal is turned-off. Can be corrected by the equalizers.


9 Types of NOISE

10 Cont’d... –Noise generated outside the electronic equipment used. –Source can be terrestrial or extraterrestrial (E.g. the earth, the moon, the sun, the galaxies). –Do not effect the entire communication frequency spectrum but affect certain frequencies at certain times and locations. –Types: Man made noise, space noise, atmospheric noise.

11 Cont’d... a.Man made noise oProduced by mankind oSource : Spark-producing mechanisms oImpulsive in nature & contains a wide range of frequencies propagated through space. oSometimes called industrial noise (metropolitan & industrial area).

12 Cont’d... b. Space noise oThe sun is a powerful source of radiation. oStars also radiate noise called cosmic, stellar or sky noise. oImportant at higher frequencies (VHF and above) because atmospheric noise dominates at lower frequencies.

13 Cont’d... c. Atmospheric noise o occurs due to electrical disturbances in the earth’s atmosphere oThe principle source is lightning ( a static electricity discharge) oCan propagate for a long distances through space. oThe lightning energy relatively low frequency (up to several MHz).

14 Cont’d... -Electronic noise generated by the passive and active components incorporated in the designs of communications equipment. -Types : Shot noise, flicker noise, thermal noise.

15 Cont’d... a.Shot Noise oCaused by a random arrival of carriers (holes and electrons) at the output of an electronic devices. oRandomly varying & superimposed onto any signal present. oSometimes called transistor noise.

16 Cont’d... b.Flicker noise oExcess noise that related to dc current flow through imperfect conductors. oThe real nature of flicker noise not yet fully understood.

17 c.Thermal Noise This type of noise arise due to the random motion of free electrons in the conducting medium such as resistor. Each free electron inside a resistor is in motion due to its thermal energy. The path of electron motion is random and zig- zag due to collision with the lattice structure.

18 Cont’d... The net effect of the motion of all electrons constitutes an electric current flowing through the resistor. It causes the rate of arrival of electron at either end of a resistor to vary randomly and thereby varies the resistor’s potential difference. That is the direction of current flow is random and has a zero mean value.

19 Cont’d... Resistors and the resistance within all electronic devices are constantly producing noise voltage V n (t). Since it is dependent on temperature, it is also referred to as thermal noise.

20 Thermal noise also known as Johnson noise or white noise. In 1928, J.B. Johnson founded that Noise Power is direct proportionally with temperature and bandwidth. Noise spectrum density is constant for all value of frequency to 10 12 Hz. Watt Where P n = noise power ( Watt ) k = Boltzman constant (1.38 x 10 -23 J / K ) T = conductor temperature ( K ) [Add 273 to C] B = Bandwidth of system ( Hz ) P n = k T B

21 From the study of circuit theory, the relationship between source resistor and matched load under maximum power transfer is when R n = R L. The total of noise source power is P n.

22 Known as R n = R L = R, Therefore voltage at R L is

23 Example 1 A receiver has a BW of 10 kHz with the 4.14 x 10 -17 W noise power. A resistor that matches the receiver input impedance is connected across its antenna terminals. Calculate the resistor’s temperature in Celsius.

24 Example 2 A 1 kΩ resistor is connected across 1 kΩ antenna input of a television receiver. The BW of the receiver is 5 MHz and the resistor at the room temperature 293 K. Calculate the noise power and noise voltage applied to the receiver input.

25 How to Quantifying the Noise? The presence of noise degrades the performance of analog and digital communication. The extent to which noise affects the performance of communication systems is measured by the output signal to noise power ratio or SNR (for analog communication systems) and probability of error (for digital communication systems).

26 Cont’d... The signal quality at the input of the receiver is characterized by the input signal to noise ratio. Because of the noise sources within the receiver, which is introduced during the filtering and amplification processes, the SNR at the output of the receiver will be lower than at the input of the receiver. This degradation in the signal quality is characterized in terms of noise equivalent bandwidth, N 0, effective noise temperature, T e. and noise figure,F

27 Noise Calculation SNR is ratio of signal power, S to noise power, N. Noise Factor, F Noise Figure, NF Expressed in dB

28 Noise Calculation In Amplifier o Two types of model 1.Noise amplifier Model. 2.Noiseless amplifier model.

29 Analysis of Noise Amplifier Model

30 Analysis of Noiseless Amplifier Model

31 SNR 0 <<< SNR i As known as Noise Factor, Noise Temperature,

32 Analysis of Cascade Stages Consider three two ports in cascade G3G3 SoNoSoNo G1G1 F 2, G 2, T e2 antenna pre-amplifier demodulatoramplifier F 1, T e1 F 3, T e3 SiNiTiSiNiTi N ai1 N ai2 N ai3 S1N1S1N1 S2N2S2N2 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

33 Stage 1

34 Stage 2

35 Stage 3

36 Noise Factor, F

37 Known as the overall noise factor, F TOTAL

38 And we can calculate noise temperature, T e

39 It can also be shown that the overall noise figure, F and the effective noise temperature, T e of n networks in cascade is given by:

40 Transmission Loss, Attenuator Every transmission medium will produce power loss. P out < P in.  Power loss or attenuated is given by the following equation:

41 Cont’d...  We also can calculate by using this following equation; Where ℓ = transmission medium length α = attenuated constant

42 Example 3 Determine: a.Noise Figure for an equivalent temperature of 75 K (use 290 K for the reference temperature). b. Equivalent noise temperature for a Noise Figure of 6 dB.

43 Example 4 For three cascaded amplifier stages, each with noise figure of 3dB and power gain of 10 dB, determine the total noise figure.

44 Example 5 An amplifier consists of three identical stages in tandem. Each stage having equal input and output impedances. For each stages, the power gain is 8 dB when correctly matched and the noise figure is 6dB. Calculate the overall power gain and noise figure of the amplifier.

45 Transmission Media / Channels

46 Introduction Provides the connection between the transmitter and receiver. 1.Pair of wires – carry electric signal. 2.Optical fiber – carries the information on a modulated light beam. 3.Free space – information-bearing signal is radiated by antenna

47 Cont’d... Signal transmission problem  additive noise – generated internally by components used to implement the communication system.  Interference from other users of the channel.

48 Cont’d... Minimizing noise effects –Increasing the power of transmitted signal. Constraint –Limited power level –Channel bandwidth availability

49 Cont’d... Channels Wire lines Wireless electromagnetic Fiber optics Underwater acoustic

50 Cont’d... 1.Wire Lines Channel –Signals transmitted are distorted in both amplitude and phase. – corrupted by noise. –Carry a large percentage of daily communication around the world.

51 Cont’d... Twisted pair Coaxial cable

52 Cont’d... 2.Fiber Optics Channel –Low signal attenuation –Highly reliable photonic devices –Large bandwidth available –Services : voice, data facsimile and video –Tx – light source (e.g. LED, laser) –Rx – photodiode –Noise source : photodiodes & amplifiers

53 Cont’d...

54 3.Wireless Electromagnetic Channels –Electromagnetic energy is coupled to the propagation medium by antenna (radiator) –Antenna size & configuration – Frequency of operation –Efficient radiation – antenna longer than 1/10 λ

55 Cont’d... Example A radio station transmitting in AM frequency band, f c = 1MHz, λ = 300 m, requires antenna at least 30 m.

56 Cont’d... Various frequency bands of the electromagnetic spectrum

57 Cont’d... Mode of propagation of EM waves i.Ground-wave propagation ii.Sky-wave propagation iii.Line-of-sight (LOS)

58 1.GROUND-WAVE PROPAGATION Surface-wave propagation Dominant mode of propagation Frequency band: 0.3 – 3 MHz Applications: AM broadcasting, maritime radio broadcasting Disturbances for signal transmission: atmospheric noise, man-made noise, thermal noise.

59 Cont’d...

60 2.SKY-WAVE PROPAGATION Transmitted signals being reflected from ionosphere Frequency : above 30 MHz Little loss Problem : Signal Multipath Application : Satellite communications

61 Cont’d... Antenna at different angles > f c

62 3.LINE-OF-SIGHT (LOS) PROPAGATION VHF band and higher Limited by curvature of earth Problem : Thermal noise (Rx front end) Cosmic noise (pick-up by antenna) Application: A TV antenna mounted on a tower of 300 m height to provide a broad coverage area (67km)

63 Cont’d...

64 Underwater acoustic channels –EM waves do not propagate over long distances under water except at extremely low frequencies –Expensive – because of the large and powerful transmitters required –Problem : Attenuation – skin depth

65 Cont’d... Multipath channel – signals reflections from the surface and the bottom of the sea. Noise : ambient ocean acoustic noise, man-made acoustic noise


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