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BY: RICHARD JERIC L. CHUA. Outline:  -Introduction  -Land Resources  -Seasons Of India  -Agriculture  -Mineral Resources  -Energy Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "BY: RICHARD JERIC L. CHUA. Outline:  -Introduction  -Land Resources  -Seasons Of India  -Agriculture  -Mineral Resources  -Energy Resources."— Presentation transcript:


2 Outline:  -Introduction  -Land Resources  -Seasons Of India  -Agriculture  -Mineral Resources  -Energy Resources

3 Introduction:  -What is India?

4 Introduction:  -came from the word SINDHU, an old name of Indus River.

5 Introduction:  -7 th largest country by geographical area

6 Introduction:  -2 nd most populous country with 1.18 billion people

7 Introduction:  -it has 28 states and 7 union territories

8 Water Forms That Surrounds India:

9 Countries That Surrounds India:

10 Land Resources:  -Khyber Pass - well-known mountain pass where migrants and invaders traverse when coming to India.

11 Land Resources:  -What is traverse?

12 Land Resources:  Traverse - move across area

13 Mountain Ranges:  A.) HIMALAYAS - the highest mountain system in the world. Also one of the world’s youngest mountain ranges.

14 Mountain Ranges:  B.) Patkai -bordering India in the north and north east

15 Mountain Ranges:  C.) Vindhyas- separates the Indo Gangetic Plain from the Deccan Plateau

16 Mountain Ranges:  D.) Aravalli- one of the oldest mountain systems in the world.

17 Mountain Ranges:  E.) Eastern Ghats- bordering the East Coast of India

18 Seasons of India:  India Meteorological Department (IMD) designates four official seasons.

19 Seasons of India:  A.) Winter- December to April.  -coldest months are December and January

20 Seasons of India:  B.) Summer- known as Pre- Monsoon  -April to June

21 Seasons of India:  C.) Monsoon- also known as the rainy season  -June to September

22 Seasons of India:  D.) Post-monsoon- October to December

23 Agriculture:  Includes farming and planting root crops.

24 Agriculture  -it makes ¾ of its livelihood.

25 Agriculture  Cow- most sacred animal of India

26 Agriculture  Bombai (now called) Mumbai)- the 1 st milling centers in India

27 Mineral Resources:  -Iron Ore- main feature of India’s Natural Resources  -most abundant mineral in Asia  -more than ½ are exported to other countries

28 Energy Resources:  -Solar Power- energy that comes from the sun.  -Thar Desert- is used for solar activities.  -Wind Power- energy from the wind.  -India- 5 th largest installed wind power in the world.


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