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Franklin D. Roosevelt. Failed Policies of Hoover Believed in business cycle Promoted Volunteerism Favored “rugged individualism”

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Presentation on theme: "Franklin D. Roosevelt. Failed Policies of Hoover Believed in business cycle Promoted Volunteerism Favored “rugged individualism”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Franklin D. Roosevelt

2 Failed Policies of Hoover Believed in business cycle Promoted Volunteerism Favored “rugged individualism”

3 One Success Hoover Dam, originally Boulder Dam Built on Colorado River Much needed employment to southwest region


5 Bonus Army Band of WWI veterans march on Washington DC Needed money NOW: Payment supposed to be in 1945 Veterans wanted it in 1932




9 Election of 1932 Hoover has no chance of reelection Franklin Delano Roosevelt is Democratic nomination Governor of New York


11 New Deal FDR elected president in landslide Believed in strong action and leadership by gov. Promised Americans a “New Deal”

12 Was this a good message to the American people?

13 First 100 Days Between March and June: created 15 separate bills passed. Fireside chats- informal radio addresses to the people

14 Assignment Read about assigned New Deal programs in Chapter 12 (pg 346). Each group will be assigned a program Research your program and create an advertisement that would get people to participate in your program. Your group will teach your program to the class.

15 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Provided jobs for 2 million men Replanted forests, dug irrigation ditches Young unmarried men 18-25 Send home $25 a month to family


17 Agriculture Adjustment Administration (AAA) Promoted farmers not to raise specific crops. Lower production=increase prices Later declared unconstitutional


19 National Recovery Administration Govern industries Set minimum wages and prices Increase worker and industry profit


21 Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) Insure deposits up to $2,500 Required to post signs at business stating that they are backed by government


23 Works Progress Administration (WPA) Provided work for 8 million Americans Constructed and repairs buildings and road Schools, hospitals, highways, etc.


25 Tennessee Valley Authority Among poorest in nation Built dams in Tennessee Valley to control flood Created jobs, generated electricity, attracted industry



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