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Ken Kay, President Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Webinar August 5, 2008 Presentation for Ohio Advisory Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Ken Kay, President Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Webinar August 5, 2008 Presentation for Ohio Advisory Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ken Kay, President Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Webinar August 5, 2008 Presentation for Ohio Advisory Group

2 Who is the Partnership? Why are 21 st Century Skills so important? What is the Framework for 21 st Century Skills? State initiatives Overview

3 P21 Members

4 State Partnership Program Route 21 (key white papers) Paper on Education and U.S. Competitiveness (9/08) Transition paper on 21 st Century Skills (11/08) National Summit on 21st Century Skills (6/09) Content Maps Current Initiatives

5 Who is the Partnership? Why are 21 st Century Skills so important? What is the Framework for 21 st Century Skills? State initiatives Overview

6 Global Competition: ●Global Awareness ●Self-Direction Global Cooperation: ●Global Awareness ●Collaboration ●Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy Information Growth: ●Information Literacy ●Critical Thinking ●Problem Solving More Jobs & Careers: ●Critical Thinking & Problem Solving ●Innovation & Improvement ●Flexibility & Adaptability Growing Service Economy: ●Communication Skills ●Life and Career Awareness Skills New ContextSkills Required

7 Why are 21 st century skills so important?


9 The things students need to learn in school today are different than what they were 20 years ago. Voter Attitudes toward 21 st Century Skills 80%

10 21 st century skills are important for schools to teach. Voter Attitudes toward 21 st Century Skills 88%

11 Teaching and learning 21 st century skills are very important to our country’s future economy. Voter Attitudes toward 21 st Century Skills 99%

12 The requirements of the workforce are changing Why are 21 st century skills so important?

13 What skills are most important for job success when hiring a high school graduate? Work Ethic80% Collaboration75% Good Communication70% Social Responsibility63% Critical Thinking & Problem Solving58% Why are 21 st century skills so important?

14 Of the high school students that you recently hired, what were their deficiencies? Written Communication81% Leadership73% Work Ethic70% Critical Thinking & Problem Solving70% Self-Direction58% Why are 21 st century skills so important?

15 What skills and content areas will be growing in importance in the next five years? Critical Thinking78% I.T.77% Health & Wellness76% Collaboration74% Innovation74% Personal Financial Responsibility72% Why are 21 st century skills so important?

16 Who is the Partnership? Why are 21 st Century Skills so important? What is the Framework for 21 st Century Skills? State initiatives Overview

17 20 th Century Education Model

18 21 st Century Skills Framework

19 Core Subjects -Economics -English -Government -Arts -History -Geography -Reading or Language -Arts -Mathematics -Science -World Languages -Civics 21 st Century Themes - Global Awareness - Financial, Economic, Business & Entrepreneurship Literacy - Civic Literacy - Health Literacy

20 Learning & Innovation Skills Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Creativity & Innovation Communication & Collaboration 21 st Century Skills Framework

21 Information, Media & Technology Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT (Information, Communications & Technology) Literacy

22 21 st Century Skills Framework Life & Career Skills Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self-Direction Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability Leadership & Responsibility

23 Who is the Partnership? Why are 21 st Century Skills so important? What is the Framework for 21 st Century Skills? State initiatives Overview

24 What is the P21 State Leadership Initiative? Current State Partners Iowa Kansas Maine Massachusetts North Carolina New Jersey West Virginia Wisconsin South Dakota

25 What Should States Do?

26 177 North Church Ave. Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 623-2466 Contact Us

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