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A RTIFICIAL I NTELLIGENCE Games. G AMES AND C OMPUTERS Games offer concrete or abstract competitions “I’m better than you!” Some games are amenable to.

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Presentation on theme: "A RTIFICIAL I NTELLIGENCE Games. G AMES AND C OMPUTERS Games offer concrete or abstract competitions “I’m better than you!” Some games are amenable to."— Presentation transcript:


2 G AMES AND C OMPUTERS Games offer concrete or abstract competitions “I’m better than you!” Some games are amenable to computer treatment mostly mental activities well-formulated rules and operators accessible state Others are not emphasis on physical activities rules and operators open to interpretation state not (easily or fully) accessible 2

3 D EFINING C OMPUTER G AMES Video game / computer game “a mental contest, played with a computer according to certain rules for amusement, recreation, or winning a stake” [Zyda, 2005] Serious game a mental contest, played with a computer in accordance with specific rules, that uses entertainment to further training or education [modified from Zyda, 2005] [Zyda, 2005] Michael Zyda, “From Visual Simulation to Virtual Reality to Games,” IEEE Computer, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 25-32. 3

4 W HAT ARE AND WHY STUDY GAMES ? Games are a form of multi-agent environment What do other agents do and how do they affect our success? Cooperative vs. competitive multi-agent environments. Competitive multi-agent environments give rise to adversarial search a.k.a. games Why study games? Fun Interesting subject of study because they are hard 4

5 R ELATION OF G AMES TO S EARCH Search – no adversary Solution is (heuristic) method for finding goal Heuristics and CSP techniques can find optimal solution Evaluation function: estimate of cost from start to goal through given nodes Examples: path planning, scheduling activities Games – adversary Solution is strategy (strategy specifies move for every possible opponent reply). Time limits force an approximate solution Evaluation function: evaluate “goodness” of game position Examples: chess, checkers, Othello, backgammon 5

6 A SPECTS OF C OMPUTER G AMES Story defines the context and content of the game Art presentation of the game to the user emphasis on visual display, sound Software implementation of the game on a computer Purpose entertainment training education 6


8 8

9 G AME A NALYSIS Often deterministic the outcome of actions is known sometimes an element of chance is part of the game e.g. dice Two-player, turn-taking one move for each player Zero-sum utility function what one player wins, the other must lose Often perfect information fully observable, everything is known to both players about the state of the environment (game) not for all games e.g. card games with “private” or “hidden” cards 9


11 G AMES AS A DVERSARIAL S EARCH Many games can be formulated as search problems The zero-sum utility function leads to an adversarial situation in order for one agent to win, the other necessarily has to lose Factors complicating the search task potentially huge search spaces elements of chance multi-person games, teams time limits 11

12 S INGLE -P ERSON G AME Conventional search problem identify a sequence of moves that leads to a winning state examples: Solitaire and Rubik’s cube little attention in AI Some games can be quite challenging some versions of solitaire 12

13 C ONTINGENCY P ROBLEM Uncertainty due to the moves and motivations of the opponent tries to make the game as difficult as possible for the player attempts to maximize its own, and thus minimize the player’s utility function value 13

14 T WO -P ERSON G AME Games with two opposing players often called MIN and MAX usually MAX moves first, then they take turns MAX wants a strategy to find a winning state no matter what MIN does MIN does the same or at least tries to prevent MAX from winning Perfect Decisions traverse all relevant parts of the search tree often impractical because of time and space limitations 14

15 E XAMPLE T RIVIAL G AME Deal four playing cards out, face up Player 1 chooses one, player 2 chooses one Player 1 chooses another, player 2 chooses another And the winner is…. Add the cards up The player with the highest even number Scores that amount 15



18 M OVING A SCORE WHEN THERE ’ S A CHOICE Use minimax assumption 18


20 M INI M AX S TRATEGY Optimal strategy for MAX generate the whole game tree calculate the value of each terminal state starting from the leaf nodes up to the root MAX selects the value with the highest node MAX assumes that MIN in its move will select the node that minimizes the value assumes that both players play optimally 20

21 M INI M AX P ROPERTIES Based on depth-first recursive implementation Time complexity is O(b m ) exponential in the number of moves Space complexity is O(bm) where b is the branching factor, m the maximum depth of the search tree 21

22 M INI M AX E XAMPLE terminal nodes: values calculated from the utility function 479698856752325493 22

23 M INI M AX E XAMPLE other nodes: values calculated via minimax algorithm Min 479698856752325493 476263451254126343 23

24 M INI M AX E XAMPLE Max Min 479698856752325493 476263451254126343 765564 24

25 M INI M AX E XAMPLE Max Min 479698856752325493 476263451254126343 765564 534 25

26 M INI M AX E XAMPLE Max Min 479698856752325493 476263451254126343 765564 534 5 26

27 M INI M AX E XAMPLE moves by Max and countermoves by Min Max Min 479698856752325493 476263451254126343 765564 534 5 27

28 I MPERFECT D ECISIONS Complete search is impractical for most games Alternative: search the tree only to a certain depth requires a cutoff-test to determine where to stop uses a heuristics-based evaluation function to estimate the expected utility of the game from the leave nodes 28

29 P RUNING Discards parts of the search tree guaranteed not to contain good moves guarantee that the solution is not in that branch or sub-tree if both players make optimal decisions, they will never end up in that part of the search tree Results in substantial time and space savings as a consequence, longer sequences of moves can be explored 29

30 A LPHA -B ETA P RUNING Certain moves are not considered won’t result in a better evaluation value Applies to moves by both players  indicates the best choice for Max so far never decreases  indicates the best choice for Min so far never increases Extension of the minimax approach results in the same move as minimax, but with less overhead prunes uninteresting parts of the search tree 30

31 A LPHA -B ETA E XAMPLE 1 we assume a depth-first, left-to-right search as basic strategy the range of the possible values for each node are indicated initially [-∞, +∞] Max Min [-∞, +∞] 5  best choice for Max?  best choice for Min? 31

32 A LPHA -B ETA E XAMPLE 2 Min obtains the first value from a successor node Max Min 7 [-∞, 7] 5 [-∞, +∞]  best choice for Max?  best choice for Min7 32

33 A LPHA -B ETA E XAMPLE 3 Min obtains the second value from a successor node Max Min 76 [-∞, 6] 5 [-∞, +∞]  best choice for Max?  best choice for Min6 33

34 A LPHA -B ETA E XAMPLE 4 Min obtains the third value from a successor node this is the last value from this sub-tree, and the exact value is known Max now has a value for its first successor node, but hopes that something better might still come Max Min 765 5 5 [5, +∞]  best choice for Max5  best choice for Min5 34

35 A LPHA -B ETA E XAMPLE 5 Min continues with the next sub-tree, and gets a better value Max has a better choice from its perspective, however, and will not consider a move in the sub-tree currently explored by Min initially [-∞, +∞] Max Min 765 5 5 3 [5, +∞]  best choice for Max5  best choice for Min3 [-∞, 3] 35

36 A LPHA -B ETA E XAMPLE 6 Min knows that Max won’t consider a move to this sub-tree, and abandons it this is a case of pruning, indicated by Max Min 765 5 5 3 [5, +∞]  best choice for Max5  best choice for Min3 [-∞, 3] 36

37 A LPHA -B ETA E XAMPLE 7 Min explores the next sub-tree, and finds a value that is worse than the other nodes at this level if Min is not able to find something lower, then Max will choose this branch, so Min must explore more successor nodes Max Min 7656 5 3  best choice for Max5  best choice for Min3 5 [5, +∞] [-∞, 3][-∞, 6] 37

38 A LPHA -B ETA E XAMPLE 8 Min is lucky, and finds a value that is the same as the current worst value at this level Max can choose this branch, or the other branch with the same value Max Min 7656 5 3  best choice for Max5  best choice for Min3 5 [5, +∞] [-∞, 3][-∞, 5] 5 38

39 A LPHA -B ETA E XAMPLE 9 Min could continue searching this sub-tree to see if there is a value that is less than the current worst alternative in order to give Max as few choices as possible this depends on the specific implementation Max knows the best value for its sub-tree Max Min 7656 5 3  best choice for Max5  best choice for Min3 5 5 [-∞, 3][-∞, 5] 5 39

40 A LPHA -B ETA E XAMPLE O VERVIEW some branches can be pruned because they would never be considered after looking at one branch, Max already knows that they will not be of interest since Min would choose a value that is less than what Max already has at its disposal Max Min 765654 5<=5 5 364 <= 3 5  best choice for Max5  best choice for Min7 -> 6 -> 5 -> 3 40

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